PUB: Sozopol Fiction-writing Seminar

    Sozopol Fiction Seminars

    May 24-27, 2012

    The Elizabeth Kostova Foundation is pleased to offer its fifth annual summer fiction-writing seminar in the ancient town of Sozopol, Bulgaria.

    Fiction writers from Bulgaria and fiction writers from English-speaking countries, including but not limited to the U.S. and the U.K., are invited to apply.

    Ten scholarships to attend the Sozopol Fiction Seminars will be given to five fiction writers working in English and five working in Bulgarian.

    The Elizabeth Kostova Foundation will cover tuition fee, room and board, in-country transportation and 50% of the international travel expenses. There is no entry fee.

    The 2012 faculty includes: Barry Lopez (US), Deian Enev (BG), Elizabeth Kostova (US) and Krassimir Damianov (BG/ES).

    Traditionally, the Sozopol’s seminar line-up consists of creative writing workshops, guest-lectures, round-table discussion and literary readings.

    Admission Requirements: In order to apply, please use the online submission system – complete the personal information fields and attach the required application materials:

    - Biography (maximum 300 words):

    Please indicate your publications record, writing credits, public readings and text performances (if any).

    - Statement of Purpose (maximum 1 page):

    Please describe the writing project(s) you are currently working on, the types of activities you hope to take part in during the seminar in Bulgaria, and how participation in a fiction seminar could benefit your writing.

    - Fiction Writing Sample:

    It could be a short story, a novel excerpt, or both. The writing sample should be at least 10 pages and not more than 20 pages. The text should be formatted in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, 1800 characters per page (including gaps).

    - A Letter of Reference:

    A letter of reference, sent directly to EKF via email by the reference, is required in addition to the online application. Reference letter should be sent to

    Please fill in the application form and read carafully all question mark boxes:
    On-line applications only!

    Closing date: March 7, 2012.

    Confirmation: Receipt of proposals is confirmed via an email confirmation sent from shortly after March 7, 2012. Please be certain that your email account is set to receive emails from this address. If you do not receive email confirmation within one week of the deadline for submissions, please send an email to:

    Notification: All approved applicants will be notified of admissions by email until April 15, 2012.

    Technical requirements: Please name the files you are submitting online using ONLY Latin letters, numbers, dashes and underscores! Please do NOT use commas, spaces, quotation marks, apostrophes, inverted commas and any other symbols. The allowed file formats are: .DOC, .DOCX, .RTF, .PDF.
