PUB: ‘Speculative Fiction by People of Color’ Fiction Contest > Karsh Links

‘Speculative Fiction

by People of Color’ Fiction Contest

This is a great contest from Ragazine.CC. They’re accepting entries to their ‘Speculative Fiction by People of Color’ contest. From their website:

Ragazine.CC is offering a $1,000.00 prize for the best piece of speculative fiction completed by a person of color in 2013. We will begin accepting electronic (e-mail) entries dated on or after March 20, 2013, and on or before June 20th. The winner will be announced in September; the prize includes publication in Ragazine.CC. Second and third place selections also will be published in the same or subsequent issues of Ragazine.CC.

Entries must be 6,000 words or less and there’s a $30 entry fee per story. Check out their website for more information.

CONTEST: $1000 Top Prize for best Speculative Fiction written by Person of Color [Ragazine.CC]