PUB: Split Oak Press - Flash Prose Chapbook Contest

Chapbook Contest:

  Flash Prose

Around here, we consider flash prose to be any single work of prose shorter than 2,000 words. If you’ve got a chapbook-length collection of them (and it hasn’t been published yet) we want to see it. Submit 30-50 pages of fiction or nonfiction. Style and subject matter are entirely up to you. We welcome both new and established writers.



First Prize: $500, publication, 20 copies of the chapbook

Entry Fee: $15 (Check or Money order, please)

Postmark deadline: June 15, 2011


Mail entries and cover letters to:

Split Oak Press Flash Contest

PO Box 700

Vestal, NY 13851

More Guidelines


• No email submissions, please. 


• Make checks out to Split Oak Press.


• We reserve the right to publish the second place winner as well, but we don’t promise to do that.


• Make sure you include your name, address, phone number, and email address so we know how to find you.


• All judging happens anonymously, so please put your name on your cover letter, but not on the manuscript.


• Consider your cancelled check our confirmation that your entry arrived safe and sound.



Judge: Donald Ray Pollock

author of Knockemstiff

