PUB: St. Petersburg Review Poetry Contest

2012 St. Petersburg Review Poetry Contest

Prize: $1000 and publication in St. Petersburg Review 2012

All writers not associated with the editors of St. Petersburg Review may enter. Postmark deadline: March 1, 2012 for publication in fall 2012. Entry/reading fee: $20.00 (U.S. checks or money orders made payable to St. Petersburg Review). Each entrant will receive a copy of the issue carrying the winning poem if a complete mailing address is enclosed. An entry may consist of up to three unpublished poems.

There will be one winner. All entrants will be considered for publication (e.g. St. Petersburg Review will publish 13 entrants in addition to the 2010 and 2011 winners in its 2010/11 issue). Simultaneous submissions are OK; please let us know immediately if they have been accepted elsewhere. Fees will not be refunded and submissions will not be returned. Please type all entries and submit individual entries separately. Include a page with your name, address, phone number, email address and the title(s) of your poems. Your name must not appear on the manuscript itself.
SPR will not be able to answer individual entrant requests for information about contest status. If you would like to receive the results by mail, please send a SASE.

Send entries to St. Petersburg Review, Attention: Contest, Box 2888, Concord, NH 03302.

St. Petersburg Review is an independent, international, nonprofit review of contemporary literature that seeks to foster and promote global connections and affinities through the annual publication of quality fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama from all countries.