Announcing the Flo Gault Student Poetry Competition
First Prize:
$500 cash
letterpress broadside of the winning poem
publication on WebsiteGuidelines:
- Full-time undergraduate Kentucky college students only
- Submit no more than three poems, each typed on 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper
- Each poem must fit on one page in 12 point font
- Do not place more than one poem on a page
- Put your name, address, phone, and e-mail address on each poem
- Include a copy of your student ID or other proof of full-time attendance with the name of a professor in your university’s English Department
- Include a SASE for notification of winner
All submissions must be RECEIVED by November 1st of that calendar year!
Mail to:
Student Poetry Competition
Sarabande Books
2234 Dundee Road, Suite 200
Louisville KY, 40205