Submission Guidelines (General + 2012 Contests)
Blue Mesa Review is a literary magazine put out annually by the creative writing department at the University of New Mexico. We accept submissions of fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction from all over the country.
To submit Poetry, Fiction, or Non-Fiction to BMR follow the instructions below!
As always, the Blue Mesa Review accepts previously unpublished work in
Fiction (up to 30 pages), Non-Fiction (up to 30 pages) , Poetry (3-5
poems), Book Reviews, and Interviews.Simultaneous submissions are okay, but let us know if you have it
placed elsewhere. Also, please do not send multiple submissions. In
other words, please wait for us to respond to your manuscript before
sending another.Formatting is the usual, typed, double-spaced, and brief cover
letter. Please make sure your name is on the first page of your
manuscript.We are now accepting electronic submissions ONLY. Please click on the link to be automatically redirected to our online submission manager! Submit to Blue Mesa Review
As of March 1, 2011, we are no longer accepting snail mail submissions. Any questions or requests you’d like to mail to our editors should be sent to the following address:
Blue Mesa Review
Department of English
MCS 03-2170
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001Manuscripts sent to this address will be recycled.
2012 Fiction Contest Guidelines:
1st Prize = PUBLICATION and $1,000
Runners up will receive an honorable mention and a chance at publication.
Entry Fee: $17
Requirements: Original, unpublished fiction, 7000 words or less.
The Judge: Kate Braverman
2012 Poetry Contest Guidelines:
Contest Judge: Dana Levin
All unpublished poetry manuscripts of 5 poems maximum will be
The winner will receive $750 and publication in Blue Mesa Review Issue 25, and two copies
of issue 25.
Please submit and pay $17 online to our new online submission manager