Dear Contributor:
Thank you for your interest in contributing material to Good Old Days and Looking Back. Good Old Days (Looking Back is a bimonthly publication with basically the same story requirements of Good Old Days) tells the real stories of the people who lived and grew up in “the good old days” (about 1935-1965). We like stories to sound conversational, as if you’re sitting around the fire and Grandpa’s telling you about the time he and Grandma were shivareed. However, we are open to any way you choose to write your story, as long as it is true and falls within our targeted period of time. We accept seasonal stories year ’round, from holidays to harvest, shivarees to maple-sugaring. We look for real stories; happy, sad, the good, the bad. Humor is always a plus.
ALWAYS include where the story took place (city, town, village or region and state), and exactly when the story took place. I have returned a lot of good stories that did not include this information. Readers want the connection of knowing when and where a story took place, and have communicated that to me many times. Even a great story without specific time frame and setting will be returned automatically.
These regular departments are in each issue: Good Old Days on Wheels (transportation: auto, plane, horse-drawn, train, bicycle, trolley, etc.), Good Old Days in the Kitchen (favorite foods, appliances, ways of cooking, recipes), Home Remedies (herbs and poultices, hometown doctors, harrowing kitchen table operations). If your story is about how you remember Mom boiling handkerchiefs with her homemade lye soap, include how she made the soap! If Grandma’s secret recipe for baking powder biscuits made you drool at the very thought, include the recipe!
Manuscripts should be typed (preferably double-spaced) with the author’s name, address and phone number in the upper left-hand corner. Our preferred word length is 500-1500 words. We prefer to buy all rights, but will negotiate with you on first or one-time rights.
If you cannot offer all rights, you must specify the type of rights you are offering when submitting your manuscript. Please submit only one manuscript at a time and enclose a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) if you want your material acknowledged and/or returned. If your story is not accepted and you have enclosed a SASE, you will receive it back after the review process has taken place—generally about 8 weeks. If you do not enclose a SASE, you will hear from us only if we offer you a contract for your story. We do accept e-submissions via e-mail ( or fax (260-589-8093), but treat them the same as mailed unsolicited manuscripts without an SASE (see above). Send your submissions to: Good Old Days or Looking Back Submissions, 306 E. Parr Rd., Berne, IN 46711.
Good, clear, interesting old photos are a definite plus. We also purchase interesting old photos alone, with about a paragraph of caption material describing what is pictured. Please indicate with your submission whether or not photos are available. You may include photocopies or duplicates of your photos with your manuscript, but please do not include your originals. If we need the originals or photographic copies, we will ask for them. Do not send scanned or laser-copied photos; the quality isn’t high enough for use. If you submit a photocopy of a photograph and then do not forward a reproducible print when your story is accepted, we reserve the right to cancel the contract and return your material. Identify the backs of photos with your name, address and story title. Manuscripts should include captions of complete information concerning the photographic material you are submitting.
Payment generally ranges from $20-100 and is dependent on how much of the manuscript will actually be used (don’t assume that your 3,000 word document will be paid on the basis of pre-edited weight), how much editing will be required and what photographic support you have. If you would like a sample copy sent to you, please send $2.00 and a self-addressed stamped manila envelope to: Good Old Days or Looking Back Sample Copy, 306 E. Parr Rd., Berne, IN 46711.
Most of our writers are not professionals. We prefer the author’s individual voice, warmth, humor and honesty over technical ability. Successful stories tend to stick with one subject (i.e.: how my brother and I got caught skipping school one day and faced the consequences... how I love to cook on a wood-burning stove, etc.). We also publish an occasional biography, as well as stories on memorable events, fads, fashion, sports, music, literature, entertainment, etc. Many people write a story “as told to” by the person who actually experienced it. But never, never try to pull the wool over our eyes with fiction or non-authentic manuscripts. Also, we do not accept simultaneous submissions or anything with inappropriate themes or vulgar language.
We receive over 200 manuscripts a month and can only offer contracts on a limited number. Therefore, we must return a lot of good stories. The mark of a good free-lance writer is persistence; be sure to keep trying!
Ken Tate
Good Old Days
Looking Back