Submission Guidelines
As a literary journal with an educational twist, Mason’s Road aims to focus each issue on a particular element of the writing craft.
For our upcoming issue, the theme is characterization. We are looking for submissions in which characters’ voices, behaviors, and thoughts resonate and shine.
New! 2012 Mason’s Road Literary Award – $1,000
Issue #5: Characterization- No Entry Fee -
Our Current Reading Period is Open
February 15, 2012 -
May 15, 2012While we always aim to publish the very best work that we receive, our genre editors will sift through their selections from Issue #5: Characterization to nominate their favorite for the $1,000 2012 Mason’s Road Literary Award. A special guest judge (TBA) will select the prize winner from these nominations.
We have a blind submissions policy and accept work in fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, drama (stage or screen), art, craft essays, and audio drama from both emerging and established writers and artists. Some of our do’s and dont’s:
- We only take online submissions.
- Do not include your name or any identifying information within the attachment. We do a blind selection process which means we consider all work without knowing who wrote it. Please do not insert a header or footer containing your name, and please do not include your name and contact information at the top of the document.
- Please submit only one document in a genre for each issue, and limit prose to 5,000 words (double-spaced), poetry to 5 poems (up to 5 poems in a single document), and artwork up to 5 graphics (on a single file, or send a link to a website where the art has been uploaded).
- Only the following file types will be accepted: *.doc & *.rtf for text, *.jpg & *.gif for art, and *.mp3 for audio.
- Mason’s Road does not accept previously published work.
- Simultaneous submissions are accepted as long as they are indicated as such and we are notified immediately upon acceptance elsewhere.
- All published work will be archived online, and after publication all rights revert back to the author/artist.
Good luck & thank you!