Submission Guidelines
Saltwater Quarterly is now accepting submissions for Issue # 3.
Deadline: June 15th..
Saltwater Quarterly is a literary journal devoted to publishing work that represents or echoes minority experience. We are looking for work that:
- Shines a light on underrepresented communities;
- Exemplifies craft and technique and uses both successfully;
- Subverts or revises traditional forms to illustrate the experience of underrepresented communities;
- Surprises and moves the reader.
We believe that developing the confidence to write is critical and that every act of writing that combats the oppressive messaging of mainstream media is a revolutionary act. Please submit only your best work.
- Fiction should be no longer than 1,000 words*.
- Creative nonfiction should be no longer than 1,000 words.
- Poetry of any form and style is welcomed. We are especially open to poetry that experiments with traditional form in new and exciting ways. Please send no more than three poems at a time.
*We want to publish fiction that shows the potential of acceptance in the world. Work that includes minority characters as victims of violence or sexual assault—especially gender variant characters—will be rejected unless it offers hope or justice to the reader, regardless of the quality of writing.
We are also interested in submissions of artwork for future covers and issues. Please send us no more than three images of jellyfish, created by you in any medium you’ve chosen, that exemplify the minority experience. We leave it up to you to decide what that looks like.
How to Submit:Send all submissions to editor@saltwaterquarterly.org. Your subject line should read: “Submission: [Type of Submission], [Last Name].” For example, “Submission: Fiction, Smith.” Submissions should be included in the body of an email. Please do not include attachments, unless you are submitting artwork for consideration..We will read work and review art year round, but individual deadlines will apply for each issue. Simultaneous submissions are encouraged, but let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. Please do not send us work that has been published anywhere else, including on personal blogs (unless they are password protected)..Please allow four to six weeks before inquiring about the status of your submission. Any questions, comments or concerns may be directed to Katie McClendon, Editor of Saltwater Quarterly. We are unfortunately unable to pay our contributors at this time, but we hope that this will change in the near future. In the meantime, we provide complimentary contributor copies of the journal..Thank you so much for your interest in Saltwater Quarterly. We look forward to considering your work.