The 2011 Autumn House Poetry and Fiction Contests
Guidelines for the 2011 Autumn House Poetry Contest
Since 2003, the annual Autumn House Poetry Contest has awarded publication of a full-length manuscript and $2,500 to the winner. For the 2011 contest, the preliminary judges are Thom Ward and Michael Simms, and the final judge is Denise Duhamel. The postmark deadline for entries is June 30, 2011. For further questions, feel free to email us, message us on Twitter, or ask us through our Facebook Fan Page.
- The winners will receive book publication, $1,000 advance against royalties, and a $1,500 travel grant to participate in the 2012 Autumn House Master Authors Series in Pittsburgh.
- The deadline is June 30, 2011.
- We ask that all submissions from authors new to Autumn House come through one of our annual contests.
- All finalists will be considered for publication.
- The final judge for the Poetry Prize is Denise Duhamel.
- All full-length collections of poetry 50-80 pages in length are eligible.
- If you wish to be informed of the results of the competition, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
- Autumn House Press assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged manuscripts.
- All entries must be clearly marked “Poetry Prize” on the outside envelope.
- Twenty five dollar handling fee (check or money order) must be enclosed.
- Send manuscript and $25.00 fee to:
Autumn House Press
PO Box 60100
Pittsburgh, PA 15211
Electronic submission option: Poetry manuscripts may be submitted electronically by sending the entry by email attachment to autumnh420(at)gmail.com and paying the $25 entry fee through the ”Donate” button on the Autumn House homepage.
Winners of the Autumn House Poetry Prize:
Year Author Title Judge 2010 Corrinne Clegg Hales To Make It Right Claudia Emerson 2009 Jacqueline Berger The Gift that Arrives Broken Alicia Ostriker 2008 Mary Crockett Hill A Theory of Everything Naomi Shihab Nye 2007 Miriam Levine The Dark Opens Mark Doty 2006 Nancy Pagh No Sweeter Fat Tim Seibles 2005 Ada Limon lucky wreck Jean Valentine 2004 Ruth L. Schwartz Dear Good Naked Morning Alicia Ostriker 2003 Deborah Slicer The White Calf Kicks Naomi Shihab Nye
Guidelines for the 2011 Autumn House Fiction Contest
We are pleased to announce the fourth annual Autumn House Fiction Contest. For the 2011 contest, the preliminary judge is John Fried, and the final judge is Stewart O’Nan. The winner will be awarded publication of a full-length manuscript and $2,500. The postmark deadline for entries is June 30, 2011. For further questions, feel free to email us, message us on Twitter, or ask us through our Facebook Fan Page.
- The winners will receive book publication, $1,000 advance against royalties, and a $1,500 travel grant to participate in the 2012 Autumn House Master Authors Series in Pittsburgh.
- The deadline is June 30, 2011.
- We ask that all submissions from authors new to Autumn House come through one of our annual contests.
- All finalists will be considered for publication.
- The final judge for the Fiction Prize is Stewart O’Nan.
- Fiction submissions should be approximately 200-300 pages. All fiction sub-genres (short stories, short-shorts, novellas, or novels) or any combination of sub-genres are eligible.
- If you wish to be informed of the results of the competition, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
- Autumn House Press assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged manuscripts.
- All entries must be clearly marked “Fiction Prize” on the outside envelope.
- Twenty five dollar handling fee (check or money order) must be enclosed.
- Send manuscript and $25.00 fee to:
Autumn House Press
PO Box 60100
Pittsburgh, PA 15211
Electronic submission option: Fiction manuscripts may be submitted electronically by sending the entry by email attachment to autumnh430(at)gmail.com and paying the $25 entry fee through the ”Donate” button on the Autumn House homepage.
Winners of the Autumn House Fiction Prize:
Year Author Title Judge 2010 Ashley Cowger Peter Never Came: Stories Sharon Dilworth 2009 Matthew Pitt Attention Please Now: Stories Sharon Dilworth 2008 Samuel Ligon Drift and Swerve: Stories Sharon Dilworth