PUB: Submit to Witness

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Submit to Witness
Witness is published annually in January. We accept stories, essays, memoir, and poems, and favor work with an international focus.

Call for Submissions: Volume XXIV (2011)
Witness seeks manuscripts for a portfolio titled "Blurring Borders." In addition to general submissions, we invite work that addresses border crossing, immigration, and diaspora communities, or that confronts boundaries and margins related to community, ethnicity, sexuality, and language. The portfolio will be paired with content from the April 2010 Black Mountain Institute panel, also titled "Blurring Borders," with Junot Diaz, Yiyun Li, and Pablo Medina.

General guidelines
• Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome between September 1 and April 1. Work that arrives outside that period will be returned unread.

• We accept simultaneous submissions provided that you notify us promptly at if the work is accepted elsewhere.

• Our reporting time is generally eight to twelve weeks, although we sometimes take longer over the winter holidays. After twelve weeks, you are welcome to contact us by e-mail about the status of your submission. In your e-mail, please specify whether your submitted your work online or by mail.

• We do not accept previously published work.

• Please limit your submission to one story, one essay, or five poems at a time. We do not have a word limit.

Please don’t send a second submission until you’ve received a response about the first.

• Witness pays $10 per printed page.

• Please review the contents of our current issue before submitting.

• We don’t favor particular styles or genres. In general, we seek work that ventures away from the American experience and into international terrain, and that promotes the modern writer as witness to his or her times. That said, we always select the best work that comes to us, regardless of content.

How to submit online
• To help us reduce paper waste, please submit through our online submission manager.

• All files must be saved in Microsoft Word (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf).

• As noted above, you may only submit one story, one essay, or five poems at a time. Poems should be sent in a single document file, with the individual poems separated by page breaks.

• Work should be formatted on letter-sized paper, double-spaced, and set in a standard (Times, Helvetica, Arial) 12-point typeface.

• Your contact information, including an e-mail address, should appear on the first page of the submission.

• Cover letter information can be entered in the “comments” box of the online submission form.

How to submit by mail
Beginning September 1, 2010, we will no longer accept submissions by mail.

• Submissions by mail must include a SASE and should be sent to the address below. We will recycle your manuscript unless you request its return in your cover letter.

Black Mountain Institute
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Box 455085
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-5085