Call for Submissions
General submissions are closed. We are currently only accepting submissions for our Monthly Flash Contest. General submissions will reopen on May 1, 2012.
Each month SWITCHBACK will provide a prompt and we want you to send us your best work inspired by that prompt. The winning entry as decided by our editors will be featured on SWITCHBACK.
The October prompt is: "I do, always, what I must do because I cannot undo it."
• Contest submissions can be poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or even art.
• Submissions must be 500 words or under.
• Please send us only one submission per prompt.
• Please submit only previously unpublished works.
• We accept simultaneous submissions but please notify us immediately of acceptance elsewhere.
• Make sure your name DOES NOT appear on the submission itself.
• The deadline for submissions is the last day of the month.
SWITCHBACK does not accept email or hard copy submissions. Please submit using our online submission manager: SUBMISHMASH Online Submission SystemIf you experience any technical difficulties with uploading your submission, please contact us at: submissions@swback.com
SWITCHBACK is a publication of the Master of Fine Arts in Writing Program of the University of San Francisco, Catherine Brady, Director. SWITCHBACK publishes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and displays visual art. SWITCHBACK does not publish unsolicited reviews or interviews.