PUB: Tapestry of Bronze poetry contest

The Tapestry of Bronze is sponsoring a series of poetry contests to celebrate Greek and Roman mythology and the Olympian gods. The subject of the eighth contest is Artemis (also known as Diana), the Goddess of the Hunt. The deadline is November 30, 2011.

All poems remain the property of the authors.  However, the Tapestry of Bronze reserves the right to post winning poems and those receiving Honorable Mention on the Tapestry of Bronze website.  E-mail your poem (no more than 30 lines) to the following address:

Do NOT e-mail any ATTACHMENTS! Paste the poem into the e-mail instead. Don’t get fancy with your formatting – pretty pictures and peculiar fonts are distracting and may irritate the judges. Please limit your creativity to your poem.

MAKE SURE your poem is about Artemis / Diana.

Please include your real name, and your alias if you have one. Make sure we can respond to your e-mail.

If you are an adult (18 or over), simply indicate that you’re an adult!

If you are under 18 please include the month and year of your birth. If you are under 13, then we need the permission of your parent or guardian. So, when you send us your poem, please also include their e-mail address too. (If your age is 13 to 17 you may get parental permission but we don’t need it.)

For more on our privacy policy go here.

Entries will be evaluated by the owners of the Tapestry of Bronze and additional experts at their discretion. No cost to enter, but each contestant can only enter once, so take time to make your poem your best!

The first prize winner in each age group will receive $50 (US).