PUB: TCR - The Capilano Review

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The Capilano Review's "Midsummer Day" contest is inspired by Bernadette Mayer's poem -Midwinter Day-. We invite submissions that engage with that fact in any way at all!

prose - fiction or non-fiction - (max 2,500 words)
poetry (max 300 lines)

The winning entry will be published in issue 3.12 (Fall 2010). Each entry will qualify for a one-year subscription to The Capilano Review. If you already have a subscription, we will extend your subscription or sign up a friend.

Fee: $35 for Canadian entries and $45 (CAN) for non-Canadian. Prize: $1,000 (CAN). Deadline: Aug. 31, 2010.

Send your entries to

The Capilano Review
2055 Purcell Way
North Vancouver, BC V7J 3H5