Tebot Bach announces
The Patricia Bibby First Book Award
$1,000 and Book PublicationPatricia Bibby was a beginning poet whose poems expressed her love of life while living with cancer. Her kindness, humor, and optimism inspired the love of many new friends in the poetry community. She died in 2004, at 43, without having been published. In naming the First Book Award after Patricia Bibby, Tebot Bach honors the aspirations and spirit of all beginning poets. Dorothy Barresi serves as judge for this competition that looks for a fresh, new voice in poetry.
Competition Guidelines
Winner will receive $1,000 and book publication
Judge: Dorothy BarresiThe competition is open to all poets writing in English who have not committed to publishing collections of poetry of 36 poems or more in editions of over 400 copies.
Entries of 50–84 pages of original poetry in English must be postmarked by October 31. Entries postmarked after October 31 will not be read. Manuscripts will not be returned. Manuscripts must be bound with a binder clip. No staples, folders, or printer-bound copies. No photographs, images, or illustrations. Please do not include acknowledgements at this time. Please do not include any identifying information anywhere in the manuscript. Submit two title pages. The first, not fastened with the manuscript, should include the title of the manuscript, author’s name, address, telephone number, and email address in upper right corner. The second, fastened with the manuscript, should include only the title in upper right corner. Entries should be fastened in this order:
1. Title page
2. Table of contents
3. Collection of poems
Items 1 and 2 are not included in the 50–84 page count.Manuscripts should be letter-quality, typewritten, and single-spaced. Photocopies are acceptable. Please do not submit your only copy, as manuscripts will not be returned.
Tebot Bach assumes no responsibility for damaged or lost manuscripts.
Manuscripts must be previously unpublished.
Translations and multi-authored collections are not eligible.
Past and current volunteers and employees of Tebot Bach are not eligible. Poets who have studied with Dorothy Barresi in more than 2 workshop settings are not eligible.
Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but Tebot Bach must be notified immediately if a collection is accepted for publication via email: info@tebotbach.org
The winning collection will be announced June 2010 on the Tebot Bach website www.tebotbach.org and published in 2010.
Please include a non-refundable reading fee of $25, check or money order, made out to Tebot Bach. Include a business-size SASE (self-addressed envelope) for notification. Include a SAPC (self-addressed postcard) for notification of receipt of manuscript. Postcard should include title of manuscript.Mail manuscript, check or money order payable to Tebot Bach, SASE, SAPC in one envelope to:
Patricia Bibby Award
Tebot Bach
Post Office Box 7887
Huntington Beach CA 92615-7887