Southern Louisiana Chapter of RWA
The 5th Annual Dixie Kane Memorial Contest
The Dixie Kane Memorial Contest is a literary contest in honor of the late Linda Kay West, attorney, who wrote as Dixie Kane. A member of SOLA and RWA for many years, Linda served in numerous board positions. She shared her knowledge of writing, publishing, and law generously as a speaker at SOLA’s meetings and conferences. SOLA created the Dixie Kane Memorial Contest to encourage aspiring writers to hone their craft and submit their work.
Sponsor: SOLA, the Southern Louisiana Chapter of RWA
Fee: $15.00
Deadline: July 15, 2010
Eligibility: Entrants do not need to be members of Romance Writers of America to enter.
Enter: Just a taste–the first five (5) pages double spaced and a synopsis (one page, single-spaced, not judged). No electronic submissions. Contest Entry Form
- Short/long series contemporary
- Single title contemporary
- Historical romance
- Paranormal
- Inspirational
- Novel w/ strong romantic elements
- Romantic suspense
- Erotic romance
Judges: Experienced, trained, published/nonpublished.
Final Judges:
- Alicia Condon, Editorial Director, Brava (Kensington Publishing)
- Alicia Rasley, Editor, Red Sage Publishing
- Lill Farrell, Editor, The Wild Rose Press
- Debra Dixon Editor, Bell Bridge Books
- Others TBA.
Prizes: $50 cash prize with tie breaker and special certificate for the overall highest score of all categories. Also, first place winning entries will be sent to final judges for reading and potential requests for full or partial ms. First, second, third place, and honorable mention certificates. Winners announcements in RWR, posted to SOLA’s website, New Orleans Times Picayune and other publications.
FMI: For entry form and rules visit, or email, or send SASE to N. Genovese, 237 Pi Street, Belle Chasse, LA 70037
Sponsored by The Southern Louisiana Chapter
of the Romance Writers of America
Chapter No. 42