Seeking writing and photography contributors to cover the African arts scene--film, literature, dance, music, culture--for The African Muse. The African Muse features the best original thought on African culture, art, and artists for international patrons and creative practitioners. Supporting the work of fine artists and entrepreneurs, TAM incites a cross-cultural dialogue that challenges conventional notions of African art and creativity.
To become a contributor, you must:
1. Live in a major international city and have a strong interest in Africa/Africans, fine arts and culture.
2. Visit The African Muse to see if the style and subject matter appeal to you.
3. E-mail a short (200 words or less) description of yourself and your interests, your online experience, what you'd like to cover, and a link to your blog/portfolio or other writing/photography samples online (at least three) to theafricanmuse [at] gmail [dot] com.
The African Muse is a labor of love. There's no pay, but we're hoping to grow the site and be able to revise that statement in the future. E-mail theafricanmuse [at] gmail [dot] com for more info.