As a part of the Women of Color Travel Project (WOCTP), we invite you to submit your work for potential publication in our new book. This anthology aims to capture stories of women of color who see the world as their playground to explore and enjoy.
The concept of this anthology is transformation through travel. We seek stories from women of color from whom their passports have been a gateway to true freedom: freedom of expression, freedom to explore oneself and the surrounding world, freedom to dream, freedom to love limitlessly, freedom to care for oneself, and ultimately the freedom to just be.
We want to take your travel stories – bold, inspirational, transformational, and/or comedic–and create a standing piece of work that will inspire others to get out and see the world.
Traditional travel guides and books are designed for the general market, but the images and the text do not frequently reflect the unique experiences of women of color and our desire to learn more about the world around us. We encounter the world like no other. Our sex, gender expression, skin complexion, body shape, hair texture, accent, clothing, view of the world and society's perception of us play a vital role in how we are able to move through the world.
This anthology will focus solely on the travel experiences of women of color: their experiences with different cultures, the ways in which their trips shaped their view of the world, themselves, their community and how, upon their return home, their lives were transformed.
We are not looking for advice on what hotels and cafes to frequent. Rather, we want to hear how, through travel, you, as a woman of color, were able to connect with yourself.
Click here to submit your story!