The Waywiser Press is now accepting submissions of poetry manuscripts for the seventh annual Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize.
Collections may be submitted online (in which case the deadline is midnight on December 1st 2011)
or by post (in which case the postmark deadline is December 1st 2011).
The Winner Receives1) £1,750 or $3,000 paid in May 2012
2) Publication of the winning manuscript by Waywiser both in United Kingdom and in the United States in the autumn of 2012.
Eligibility1) Entrants must be at least 18 years of age.
2) Entrants may not have published more than one previous collection of poems, though they may have published an unlimited number of books belonging to other genres, and individual poems from the submitted collection may have been published in magazines, journals, anthologies, chapbooks of 32 pages or less, or self-published books of 46 pages or less.
3) Nobody who has a book published by or forthcoming from Waywiser may enter.
4) Manuscripts must be in English, and the original work of the entrant (though as much as one third of the poems they contain can consist of public-domain or permission-secured translations).
The final judge's decision will be made known in May 2012, and the news will be posted on this website at that time.
(i) Format
1) Manuscripts must be a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 85 pages.
2) Manuscripts must be typed or word-processed - preferably in 11-point type - on standard paper.
3) Pages must be numbered consecutively, and a table of contents, as well as a list of acknowledgements (where appropriate), should be included.
4) The author's name and contact details (i.e. physical address, phone number and email address (where possible)) must appear on the front page of the manuscript and nowhere else.
5) No illustrative material should be sent, unless it forms an inextricable part of the manuscript.
6) A list of previous poetry book publications should be included, and with it a list of the magazines in which you have had poems published.
7) Entrants may submit a manuscript elsewhere simultaneously, but must immediately notify Waywiser of its withdrawal from the competition if it is accepted for publication by another organization.
8) Once submitted, a manuscript may not be altered, though the winner of the prize will be given the opportunity to revise before publication.
9) Waywiser cannot accept responsibility for missing submissions.
10) If the judge is not satisfied that a high-enough standard has been met, the press reserves the right not to award the prize in a particular year.
The decision of the judge is final.Submission of a manuscript will be deemed to constitute acceptance of
all of the provisions set out above.
(ii) Entry Fee
1) Online submission: US $27, or the equivalent in whatever currency your card draws on. (Please note that the difference between this and the postal submission fee shown below is to cover the online submission administration costs.)
2) Postal submission: £15 or US $25
(iii) Submission Procedure(a) Online
1) Manuscripts may be submitted between August 1st 2011 and December 1st 2011.
1) Only single file submissions can be accepted, so if your manuscript is stored in multiple files, they will need to be amalgamated.
2) We can accept files in three different formats: Doc, Docx and PDF. Please do not lock the file you submit (i.e. make it impossible for us to print or cut and paste from it).
3) You will need to have your credit or debit card or PayPal account details ready, since you will only be allowed to submit after the entry fee has been paid.
4) When you are ready to upload your manuscript, please click on the link below:
5) If you wish to withdraw your manuscript for any reason, please contact us directly rather than using the submission manager. Fees cannot be refunded.
(b) Postal
1) Please complete the entry form (see below for instructions on how to obtain this), combine it with your stamped self-addressed postcard and/or envelope (if required), your manuscript and a cheque for your entry fee made payable to THE WAYWISER PRESS. You shouldf post everything to one of the two addresses shown below. As stated above, the postmark deadline for submissions is December 1st 2011, and no late entries will be accepted.
Residents of the UK and all other non-USA residents should send to:
The Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize
The Waywiser Press
29A, Carr Hill Road
Upper Cumberworth
UKResidents of the USA should send to:
The Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize
The Waywiser Press
P.O. Box 6205
MD 21206
USA2) Manuscripts should be bound with a spring- or bulldog-clip (no paperclips or staples, please, and no folders, files or boxes).
3) If you would like notification of receipt of entry, please include a stamped self-addressed postcard with the words "Hecht Prize: Entry Received" appropriately entered.
4) If you would like notification of the results, please include a stamped self-addressed envelope.
5) Manuscripts cannot be returned. As a result, we strongly advise all entrants to keep a copy of their submission.
To obtain an entry form and a copy of these guidelinesThe guidelines set out above and the entry form can be obtained in either of two ways. First, you can send a stamped self-addressed business-size envelope to Waywiser.
Residents of the UK and all other non-USA residents should send to:
The Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize (Guidelines & Application Form)
29A, Carr Hill Road
Upper Cumberworth
UKUSA residents should send to:
The Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize (Guidelines & Application Form)
The Waywiser Press
P.O. Box 6205
MD 21206
USAThe second method of obtaining entry forms and guidelines is to download them from here. They are available in Word format and in PDF format. If you wish to have the PDF version, please be sure you have Adobe's PDF Reader installed on your computer. If you don't already have it, it can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe's website by following this link: Adobe PDF Reader
For the PDF version of the guidelines and application form please click hereFor the Word version of the guidelines and application form please click here