PUB: The Betty Award - A Writing Contest for Children Ages 8-12

The Betty Award - A Writing Contest for Children Ages 8-12



Win Cash Prizes With The Betty Award Writing Contest

Contact Us With Questions About The Betty Award

In honor of my Mother, Betty, who taught all of her 6 children
to love reading and writing at an early age.


First Place: Marah Herreid, Age 10
Once Upon a Memory
Denver, CO

Second Place: Jaya Alagar, Age 9
Science Fair Disaster
Pittsburgh, PA

Third Place: Bridget Maston, Age 9
I Thought I Knew You
Wheaton, IL

Honorable Mention: Miles Rubalcava-Cunan, Age 9
Lost in the Wild
Quincy, CA

Honorable Mention: Emma Clinton, Age 11
How Owl Got His Wisdom
Red Lodge, MT

Honorable Mention: Sheby Spurgin, Age 10
Helping My Papa
Tyler, TX

Honorable Mention: Brooke Stufflebeam, Age 9
Miracle Mouth
Coweta, OK

Honorable Mention: Hannah Larson, Age 9
The Scaredy Cat
South Burlington, VT

Honorable Mention: Nora Steinmetz, Age 10
Read Nora's story
Stillwater, MN

Honorable Mention: Cami Hedstrom, Age 12
All Alone
Bentonville, AK



How to Enter the Writing Contest:

Simply download The Betty Award Entry Form, type your story and mail it to us with the Reading Fee.

Deadline for 2011 Entries:

All entries must be postmarked no later than May 16, 2011. Winners will be notified by July 15, 2011.


Winning 2011 entries will be published on this website
after July 15, 2011.

Reading Fee:

There is a $15 US reading fee per story.
Please make check or money order payable to
The Betty Award.

Contest Rules:

  • Stories must be submitted on the attached form.
  • Entries must be typed and in English.
  • Maximum story length is 1000 words.
  • Contest is open to all children, worldwide, ages 8-12.
  • Entries must be the original unpublished work of the child entering the contest.
  • Stories will not be returned.
  • More than one entry per child is allowed (be sure to include the $15 reading fee for each story submitted).
  • Entries are automatically disqualified if a reading fee check is returned for insufficient funds.

Mail Entries & Reading Fee To:

The Betty Award
P.O. Box 1826
Oak Park, IL 60304