PUB: The Burning Bush Poetry Prize

The Burning Bush
Poetry Prize, 2011

$200 First Prize and Publication in
the Fall 2011 In Our Own Words

Writer's Guidelines


To reward a poet whose writing

1. Inspires others to value human life and the natural world instead of values
based on short-term economic advantage
2. Speaks for community-centered values,democratic processes, especially those whose voices are seldom heard
3. Demonstrates poetic excellence
4. Educates readers of the relevance of the past to the present and future

Submission Deadline: 6/1/11.

Poems should be typed, and formatted as desired. Three poems maximum, any style or form. We prefer unpublished work, but published poems may be submitted.
If published before, please include where, when and any acknowledgement information we may need. While we take reasonable care with all your work,
be sure not to send your only copies.

Send a stamped self addresses envelop with enough postage to return your work. Send an index card with your name, mailing address, email, phone and title of each poem submitted listed on it.
If your poem is selected for the Poetry Prize, we will need a brief (50 word) biographical statement from you.
That's it. Winners will be selected each July. Good Luck!

Reading Fee: $12
Closing Date: 6/1/11
Mail to (snail mail ok):

Burning Bush Publications
Poetry Prize
P.O. Box 4658
Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Please note that submissions
without a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope will not be returned.


Check out our previous years' winners:

2010 Award: Winner
Connie Vaughn for
"I, Colony"

Honorable Mentions:
Carolyn Ingram for "For Elena my Sister in Itzapa, Guatemala"

2009 Award: Winner
Lesléa Newman for
"What the Angel Really Said"

Honorable Mentions:
Erna Hennessy for "On Going to Prison"
Dion Farquhar for "Choice Bits"

2008 Award: Winner
Anthony Russell White for
"The First Day of the New Era"

and two honorable mentions:
Sherry Weaver Smith: "Salvage: 'Aid Worker Report,'
Tondo, Manila, the Philippines, 1995"

Persis M. Karim: "Dawn on the Fall Equinox"

2007 Award: Winner
C.S. Cooley
for "By Littles"
and two honorable mentions.

2006 Award: Winner
Laura LeHew
for "Beauty"
and three honorable mentions.

2005 Award: Winner
Sarah Browning

for "The Fifth Fact."

2004 Award Winner:
Jon David Andersen for "Green World." 


2003 Award Winner:
Leonardo Alishan for "Tired Thoughts"
and three honorable mentions.

2002 Award Winner:
Meliza Bañales for "Generations,"
and three honorable mentions.

2001 Award Winner:
Drew Cherry for "Nunauguluk vs Icicle Seafoods,"
and three honorable mentions.

2000 Award Winner:
Aya de León for "Grito de Vieques"