The Cancer Poetry Project:
Submission Guidelines
Awards: Roughly 150 poems will be selected for publication in the second volume of The Cancer Poetry Project. From those poems, three winners will be selected from each of four categories, for a total of 12 winners. The categories are the following: patients/survivors, spouses/partners, family members, and friends/health providers. The top winner in each category will receive $250 and a $150 donation to the cancer organization of his or her choice. Two honorable mentions will be selected in each category; each honorable mention poet will receive $75 and a $25 donation to the cancer organization of his or her choice. All poets whose poems are selected for publication will receive a copy of the book.
Final Judge: Karin B. Miller
Eligibility: Anyone touched by cancer. Roughly one-third of the poets published in the first volume of The Cancer Poetry Project had been previously unpublished. Submissions: Poets may submit up to two poems, which may be no longer than 50 lines each. Each poem submitted should include the poet’s name, email address, mailing address and phone number. Due to the volume of submissions, manuscripts will not be returned. Poets whose poems are selected will be notified. Winners will be announced in June 2012.
Deadline Extended: Submissions must be postmarked by April 30, 2012.
Entry Fee: $5 (for up to two poems) for unpublished poets. $10 (for up to two poems) for published poets. Enclose check with submission, made payable to The Cancer Poetry Project. Entry fees are non-refundable.Click here to submit poetry online.
Or send submission to:
The Cancer Poetry Project
P.O. Box 16590
Minneapolis, MN 55416International poets: Please submit your poetry via traditional mail. Thanks!