PUB: The Cecilia Unaegbu Prize for Flash Story 2011 (Nigeria/ Worldwide) > Writers Afrika

The Cecilia Unaegbu Prize for Flash Story 2011 (Nigeria/ Worldwide)

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Deadline: 17 July 2011

The contest is now open for the above prize and closes on July 17 2011. Anyone from any country is eligible for this contest. Entrants are to submit only one true flash story of not more than 750 words on the theme: Women as Vessel of Honour. Entry is free.

Soft copy of entry to be submitted as attached file in MSWord to with the subject: Cecilia Unaegbu Prize. The name, phone number, address and pasted self photographs of entrants to be provided in MS Word in a second attached file.

Entrants should make sure not to provide their particulars within the body of the story. This is to help for fair judgement. Any entry submitted without heed to the above conditions will be disqualified.

Special consideration will be given to stories that celebrate the virtuous woman in the authors' lives by reconstructing for history an unforgettable virtuous action(s) done by such a woman. Masterful use of rich language, engaging imagery and cohesive plot are buzz skills for the prize too.

Public announcement of winners will be made in early September 2011, first at the launching of four books by her son, Jeff Unaegbu and in other media.

First prize: 15,000 Naira
Second prize: 10,000 Naira
Third prize: 5,000 Naira
and 10 consolation prizes.

All thirteen winners will be published in an anthology which will also contain the biographies of famous women of virtue from guest authors including the biography of Mrs. Cecilia Unaegbu with the title: Women of Virtue Book of Fame.

Competition judge: Unoma Azuah

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