PUB: The Comstock Review - Annual Contest


The Muriel Craft Bailey Memorial Award

Final Judge: Marilyn Nelson
more information on our judge at
Initial Screening by Editors

First Prize - $1 ,000
2nd Prize  -$250;   3rd Prize - $100;
Honorable Mentions - Subscriptions

DEADLINE:  Postmark by July 1, 2011

Here’s how it works- Our Editorial staff chooses approximately 50 - 60 Finalists. The highest scoring Finalists (25 or so) are considered Special Merit Poems. Special Merit Poems go to the Judge. The Judge determines the top three Prize Winners, The entire editorial staff then selects the honorable mentions from the remaining Special Merits.  All Special Merit poems are considered accepted work.

The Rules:
1. Each poem on a separate 8.5 by 11 page, typed.

2. Poems must be original, unpublished in ANY Medium,print or electronic,
    and not under consideration elsewhere.  Simultaneously submitted poems will disqualify ALL
    of a poet's poems from consideration.  Please check your records carefully before submitting.

3. No poem must exceed 40 lines, beginning with the first line of text
    below the title.
 DO NOT count blank lines. Please also consider 
    our 65 character line width when submitting.

4. Name and ALL contact information on the REVERSE side
    of EACH poem entered. If not included, we have to disqualify your entry.

5. Send SASE for results only. No Poems will be returned.

6. All Prize Winners, Honorable Mentions, and Special Merit Poems
    are considered accepted work, and will be published in Issue 25.2 
    (Fall/Winter 2011).  (That means all poems that go to the final judge for consideration of the
     top prize.) Other Finalists whose poems did not go to the judge,  will be queried for
     permission to use their work. A non-response is considered a yes.  
All accepted
     authors will receive one contributor’s copy of the issue.

7. An entry fee of $5 per poem is required for each poem submitted.  No limit
    on the number of poems at $5 each. 
    Special offer for 2011:  Order a one-year subscription with your entry
    at the discounted price of $17 (normally priced $20). If outside the US, 
    add $5 per copy for postage.   Make check out to "The Comstock Review."

Send contest submissions, after April 1, 2011 to:
CWG Poetry Contest 2011
4956 St. John Drive
Syracuse, NY 13215

Also click here for  Contest Guidelines which offer  many further explanations of the rules and editor preferences. 


*Red section above highlighted  since we often receive poems that fall outside the rules and they will be disqualified unless we can reach the poets and have them resubmitted following the rules.  The Editors

Final Judge for 2011: Marilyn Nelson



more information on our judge at