The Crazyhorse Fiction Prize and
The Lynda Hull Memorial Poetry Prize
Winners receive $2000 each and publication in Crazyhorse.
The deadline to enter this year's prizes: January 15, 2012.
Enter by uploading a file of your manuscript online or by mailing in a paper manuscript. Each manuscript entered should consist of up to twenty-five pages of fiction or up to three poems (up to 10 pages total of poetry). For each manuscript entered, include a reading fee of $16 per manuscript, which includes a one-year/two-issue subscription to Crazyhorse. More than one manuscript may be entered. For each additional fiction or poetry manuscript entered and entry fee paid, your subscription to Crazyhorse will extend by one year/two issues. Subscriptions begin with Crazyhorse Number 81, Spring 2012; the winning manuscripts will be published in Crazyhorse Number 82, Fall 2012.
How to enter a manuscript file onlineAfter you log in through the red box above, click “Enter Prizes” in the red box (and not “Submit Manuscript” in the red box, which is for regular non-prize submissions).
Upload a .docx, .doc, .pdf, or .rtf file only. If .rtf, use a common font (such as Times or Arial) and check your file to see that your formatting (italics, tabs, columns, etc.) displays as you wish. Pay each uploaded manuscript's $16 entry fee by secure online credit-card payment via Authorize.net, or by check or money order.
If paying for your manuscript upload by check or money order, write it to “Crazyhorse”. Check must draw from a US bank. With check or money order payment, include a printout of the e-mail you will receive after you upload your prize manuscript. Or, include the first name, last name, and manuscript number associated with your entry so that your payment can be matched with your manuscript. Mail entry fee payment checks to Entry fee payment, Crazyhorse, Department of English, College of Charleston, 66 George Street, Charleston SC 29424, USA
Each manuscript entered should consist of up to twenty-five pages of fiction or up to three poems (up to 10 pages total of poetry). Like mailed manuscripts, uploaded manuscript files will be read blindly, unassociated with your contact information. Do not include identifying information on the manuscript itself; all manuscript entries are made anonymous for review.
Entrants must upload manuscript files and pay entry fees by end of day, Jan. 15, 2012.
How to enter a paper manuscriptMail in each paper manuscript along with a $16 entry fee (check or money order only) for each manuscript entered. Write check or money order to “Crazyhorse”. Check must draw from a US bank.
Each manuscript entered should consist of up to twenty-five pages of fiction or up to three poems (up to 10 pages total of poetry). Each entry should have a cover page placed on the top of the manuscript with the entrant’s name, address, e-mail, and telephone number. Do not include identifying information on the manuscript itself; all manuscript entries are made anonymous for review.
Mail manuscript and entry fee payment together to
Fiction Prize / Poetry Prize
Department of English
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston SC 29424
USAEntrants must mail paper manuscripts and mail check entry fees by postmark deadline of Jan. 15, 2012. Include an e-mail address or a self-addressed stamped envelope for notification of winners. Paper entry manuscripts can not be returned by SASE.
General entry information
All manuscripts entered must be original and previously unpublished. All entries are considered for publication in Crazyhorse. New prize-entry subscriptions will begin with Crazyhorse Number 81, Spring 2012. Renewal prize entries will extend the entrant's subscription. The winning manuscripts will be published in Crazyhorse Number 82, Fall 2012. Entries are accepted from Oct. 1, 2011 to Jan. 15, 2012. Winners will be announced in spring, 2012.
Prize process and timelineAll manuscripts entered are made anonymous before they are reviewed: the identity of each entrant is separated or removed from each entrant’s manuscript and each manuscript is only identified by number when it is read by reviewers.
The Crazyhorse editors will together review all manuscripts entered and select up to 30 finalists in each genre for review by the prize judges in each genre.
Each finalist's manuscript is reviewed by a judge in the respective genre. The fiction judge selects one story from the fiction prize finalists as the winner; the poetry judge selects one poem from the poetry prize finalists as the winner. Only after the deadline to enter manuscripts has passed is a judge for each genre selected. Past judges have included Jaimy Gordon, Aimee Bender, Ann Patchett, Ha Jin, Antonya Nelson, Dan Chaon, T. M. McNally, Diana Abu-Jaber, Michael Martone, and Charles Baxter for fiction; for poetry, past judges have included Richard Jackson, Larissa Szporluk, James Tate, Billy Collins, Marvin Bell, Dean Young, Albert Goldbarth, Nance Van Winckel, Dara Wier, and Mary Ruefle. The identity of each genre’s judge will be disclosed with the announcement of each genre’s winner and finalists at the end of the judging.
After the two winners are announced, the editors consider manuscripts entered in the prizes for publication in Crazyhorse.