Jeanne Leiby Memorial Chapbook Award
The Florida Review is proud to announce the first annual Jeanne Leiby Memorial Chapbook Award in Fiction or Graphic Narrative. For more information, write flreview@ucf.edu or call 407-823-5329.
- Judge: David Huddle
- Deadline: December 1, 2011
- First Place: $500 and chapbook publication (letter press and hand-bound by Hoopsnake Press)
- Second Place: Tuition at Sanibel Island Writers Conference
- Third Place: Registration for The Florida Writers Conference
- Submit up to 35 pages (double spaced and in MS Word or pdf if prose fiction)
- This is a blind-read contest. The manuscript should not have your name or other identifying information on any page
- Submit a cover letter with your name and the title (or titles) of the submitted writing
- Any combination of long or short stories or flash fiction will be considered
- Graphic Narrative must be black and white and in jpeg format, up to 35 pages
- Entry fee of $25 includes a subscription to The Florida Review
- All submissions will be considered for publication in The Florida Review
- Simultaneous submissions are OK as long as they are withdrawn immediately upon acceptance elsewhere
- Submissions accepted until midnight on December 1, 2011
- Notification of results will be posted on The Florida Review website by February 2012
- In the unlikely event that no submitted manuscript is selected by the judge as fitting chapbook publication, only the second and third prizes will be awarded
- Submit here to The Florida Review