Donald BarthelmeThe 2011 Barthelme Prize for Short Prose contest is now open for entries. The contest is limited to pieces of prose poetry, flash fiction and/or micro-essays of 500 words or fewer. Established in 2008, the contest awards its winner $1,000 and publication in the journal. Two runners-up will also appear in the issue, due out in April 2012.
Entries are due August 31, 2011.
Beginning this year, we are accepting entries only through our online submission manager. For entering, you will receive a one-year subscription to Gulf Coast. Each entry costs a $17 reading fee and may consist of up to three pieces. Just put all individual pieces into one Word, rtf, or pdf document and upload. When submitting, be sure to choose the genre "Barthelme Prize for Short Prose." As the contest is judged "blind," please do not put your name on the manuscript pages.
Last year's winning pieces are available on our website.
This year's judge is poet, essayist, and short story writer Sarah Manguso.