The Frost Place
Chapbook Competition
sponsored by Bull City Press
The Frost Place, a nonprofit center for poetry and the arts at Robert Frost’s old homestead in Franconia, NH, in partnership with Bull City Press, has established a new poetry chapbook fellowship. We invite submissions to the first annual Bull City Fellowship Chapbook Contest.
In summer 2013, the winner’s chapbook will be published by Bull City Press, and the winner will receive 10 complimentary copies (from a print run of 200), and a $250.00 stipend. The winner will also receive a full fellowship to attend the five-and-a-half-day Advanced Seminar at The Frost Place (August 4 – 9, 2013), including room and board (a cash value of approximately $1500.00), and will give a featured reading from the chapbook at the Seminar. As well, the fellow will have the option to spend one week to living and writing in the Frost House museum in September 2013 (peak leaf season in the White Mountains), at a time agreed upon by the fellow and The Frost Place. The contest judge will be Patrick Donnelly, author of The Charge and Nocturnes of the Brothel of Ruin, and director of the Advanced Seminar. Submission period will be Sept. 15, 2012 - Dec. 31, 2012; application fee $25.00.
Look for the link to our submission manager, as well as information about summer programs at The Frost Place, on the home page of The Frost Place website:
The 2013 Bull City Chapbook Fellowship at The Frost Place is open to any poet writing in English. Simultaneous submissions are permissible, but entrants are asked to notify the contest administrators through the contest website immediately if a manuscript becomes committed elsewhere.
Please do not submit to this contest if you are close enough to the final judge, Patrick Donnelly, that his integrity or the integrity of Bull City Press and The Frost Place would be called into question should you be selected as the winner. You may query us if you have questions regarding this matter. Please query by email to
Entries must be submitted between September 15, 2012 and December 31, 2012. All entries must be submitted to our online submissions manager. Entries submitted by e-mail, fax, or US mail are not permitted and will be disqualified. Entries must be accompanied by a $25.00 entry fee. Entrants may submit multiple manuscripts, but must pay a $25.00 entry fee for each manuscript submitted.
Do not include your name on any of the pages of the manuscript file. The first page of the manuscript should include the title of the collection only.
Manuscripts should have a page count (poems only, not including title page, table of contents, acknowledgements, or other items) of 20 to 25 pages.Manuscripts should be submitted in rich text (.rtf) or Microsoft Word (.doc) format only. Manuscripts submitted in another file format are not permitted and will be disqualified. Manuscript revisions are not permitted during the contest.
The author's name should not appear on the manuscript.
Follow the link to the contest submission manager, from the home page of The Frost Place website:
Each manuscript is delivered to two preliminary readers as a blind submission. That is, it is stripped of identifying material. Only the manuscript, inclusive of any text notes, is sent to the readers and, if chosen as a finalist, to the final judge. Preliminary readers are asked to notify the press if the work in a submitted manuscript is familiar to them, in which case it will be reassigned as a blind submission to another reader.
Our preliminary readers for the contest are selected by Bull City Press and The Frost Place and are published poets who have received a graduate degree in creative writing or literature. Our readers look for beautifully-crafted work, manuscripts that have a cohesive shape and feel like complete chapbooks. They look to present a wide range of excellent work to the final judge.
In the event that the final judge chooses no manuscript for publication, all contest fees will be returned.
Final notification of the contest winner and contest finalists will be provided by e-mail to all contest entrants in March, 2013.