Yearly Postmark Deadline of September 15.
Winners of the Fiction and Poetry Prizes will each receive a $1000 cash award and publication in The Greensboro Review.
1 Entries must be previously unpublished and will not be returned. We do accept simultaneous submissions. Please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere.2 Page restrictions: Please include no more than 25 typed, double-spaced pages for fiction. Poetry entries can include any number of poems up to 10 pages. Each story counts as one entry.3 Entry fee: $14 for each entry (make checks payable to The Greensboro Review). Each fee entitles the entrant to a one-year subscription, an extension of a current subscription, or a gift subscription.4 Manuscripts must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope for reply. Manuscripts will not be returned. No e-mail submissions.5 All manuscripts meeting the above requirements and submitted by September 15, will be considered for cash award as well as for publication in The Greensboro Review.6 Winning manuscripts will appear in the Spring issue of The Greensboro Review.7 All manuscripts not accepted for publication by The Greensboro Review will be released to the authors by December 31.8 Entries must be clearly addressed to: The Robert Watson Literary Prizes The Greensboro Review MFA Writing Program 3302 MHRA Building UNC Greensboro Greensboro, NC 27402-6170 *The outside of the envelope must be marked “Fiction,” or “Poetry.” Each entry in each category must be mailed in a separate envelope.SUBMIT ONLINE.
The Greensboro Review is happy to announce we have now teamed up with Submishmash to accept online submissions. Click here to go to The Greensboro Review online submission manager.