Hurston/Wright Award for College Writers
The Hurston/Wright Award for College Writers™ has been established by novelist Marita Golden to honor excellence in fiction writing by students of African descent enrolled full time as an undergraduate or graduate student in any college or university in the United States.
The winners will be announced in April for the writers of the best previously unpublishedshort story or novel excerpt.
Eligibility: At the time of submission, applicants must be enrolled in a college or university full time as an undergraduate or graduate student. Writers who have published a book in any genre are ineligible. Winners will be selected from the best previouslyunpublished short story or novel excerpt.
How to Apply:
• Email your double-spaced manuscript, of no more than 15 pages (of a novel) or 20 – 25 pages (of a short story) typed in a 12pt. font, along with a cover page to Cover page should include:
◦ Your first and last name
◦ Address
◦ Phone Number (day and evening)
◦ Email Address
◦ Indicate whether you are submitting a Novel Excerpt or Short Story • Do not include your name on any of the manuscript pages.
• Only one story may be submitted per applicant.
• Submissions must be received by January 13, 2012.
• Include with your submission a $10 nonrefundable submission fee.
Submissions must be received between November 7, 2011 and January 13, 2012. The nominated winner and finalists will be required to provide a verification of college enrollment and a photo. Previous winners are not eligible.