The Hysteria 2012 Short Story
and Poetry Writing Competition
Hysteria 2012 is a competition open to women only, of any nationality and writing in English, for stories of up to 2,000 words and poetry of up to 15 lines on almost any theme related to women. We will accept entries which have been previously published.
You may write about ANY SUBJECT in ANY GENRE except erotica or horror. We are NOT looking for stories about Hysterectomy, we are looking for works that appeal to our website visitors.
Ten winners in each category will be published in Hysteria 2012, an anthology of works to be sold on behalf of the Hysterectomy Association in our normal on-line outlets. Entries are to be made through the Hysterectomy Association website.
The competition is being sponsored by Crystal Clear Books, a new publisher of women’s health books and women’s fiction.
The competition closes at 11.59pm on 31st August 2012. Entries for both categories cost £5 each.
One overall winner will be awarded First Prize in each category with a prize of £400 plus publication in Hysteria 2012. Nine other authors and poets will each win publication in Hysteria 2012.
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