PUB: The National Poetry Review - The Annie Finch Prize for Poetry

To enter via email, please follow these instructions carefully:

Go to Choose SEND MONEY. Choose PERSONAL. Choose OTHER.
Send $15 per group of 3 poems to
Then email your entry with your name in the subject line.


All entries will be considered by the editor for publication. Submit up to three unpublished, uncommitted poems (10 pages maximum per group of three poems), cover letter with bio and contact information, including email address for results, with a $15.00  fee (personal check only, please; no money orders) to

C. J. Sage, TNPR, Post Office Box 2080, Aptos, California   95001-2080
IMPORTANT: Please make checks payable to “TNPR" only.

Postmark deadline extended to June 30, 2011.

NO SASEs please; check website for winner.

The winner will receive $500 plus possible publication in The National Poetry Review.

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but if the work is selected by TNPR for the prize or for publication, it must be withdrawn from elsewhere unless you have withdrawn it from us two weeks before our acceptance. Multiple submissions are acceptable with a reading fee for each group of three poems. Page limit per group: 10


Please note that close friends, relatives, and students of the judge or the editor are not eligible for the prize.  The judge will be asked to send back to TNPR's editor any poem that s/he recognizes; should this happen, the entrant's fee will be refunded.