PUB: The New Criterion

The editors are pleased to announce  the eleventh annual

New Criterion Poetry Prize

for a book length manuscript of poems
that pay close attention to form.




Roger Kimball, Eric Ormsby &
David Yezzi


 The winner will recieve $3,000 and the
winning manuscript will be published
by St. Augustine's Press.



Please address manuscripts to:

The New Criterion Poetry Prize
900 Broadway, Suite 602
New York, NY 10003


"The New Criterion Poetry Prize . . . has become
a more reliable indicator of high readability
than most other poetry prizes."—Booklist



An entrance fee of $25, by money order or certified check
(no personal checks), must accompany each entry.
Manuscripts should not exceed sixty pages in length.
Submissions must be postmarked no later than September 30, 2010.
The winner will be announced in January 2011.
Manuscripts will not be returned.