This is the 13th year of the Prose & Poetry Prizes sponsored by The New Writer magazine, although it is the 16th consecutive year of the Poetry Prizes - previous winners include Judi Moore, Sharon Black, Wes Lee, Alexandra Fox, Cathy Whitfield, Mo McAuley, Alesha Racine, David Grubb, Katy Darby and Graham Clifford, whose award winning entries appeared in our anthologies - find details on this website. Prizes are awarded in the following categories:
Essays, Articles, Interviews - covering any writing-related or literary theme in its widest sense up to 2,000 words. 1st prize £150, 2nd £100, 3rd £50.
Short Stories, Micro Fiction - short stories 500 to 5,000 words, micro fiction up to 500 words; on any subject or theme, in any genre (not children's). Previously published work is not eligible. Short Stories: 1st prize £300, 2nd £200, 3rd £100. Micro Fiction: 1st prize £150, 2nd £100, 3rd £50.
Single Poems and Collections - Single Poems up to 40 lines; Collections of between 6 - 10 poems - no restriction on length of poems in the Collection category. Single poem entries must be previously unpublished; previously published poems can be included as part of a Collection. Collection: 1st prize £300, 2nd £200, 3rd £100. Single: 1st prize £100, 2nd £75, 3rd £50.
Total Prize Fund £2,500
How to Enter the Prose & Poetry Prizes
If sending poetry by email please send as an attachment - either Microsoft Word (.doc) or plain text (.txt) formats. However, we would prefer to receive longer MSS of poetry collections, short stories and features in the post to The New Writer at the address at the foot of this page along with a covering sheet with your name, address, tel/fax/email, and the title(s) of your work.
Short stories of 500 to 5,000 words and Micro fiction up to 500 words on any subject or theme, in any genre (not children's). Previously published material is not eligible for entry. Entry fees: £5 per short story (TNW subscribers two stories at same fee); £5 for up to two Micro fiction entries (TNW subscribers three for £5).
Single poems must be previously unpublished with a limit of 40 lines. Entry fee: £5 for up to 2 single poems (TNW subscribers 3 poems for £5).
Collection of poems (6-10 poems) can be previously published. No line limit. Entry fee £12 per collection.
Essays, articles and interviews up to 2,000 words covering any writing-related or literary theme in its widest sense. Previously published material is not eligible. Single entry £5 (TNW subscribers two entries at same fee).
All work should be clearly typed, double-spaced (poetry should be single-spaced), on white A4 paper and paperclipped. Entrants may make as many submissions as they wish but please include your name, address, title of entry, word count (fiction only) and category on a separate cover sheet with every entry. Preliminary judging will be carried out by The New Writer editorial board with guest judges making the final selection so there should be no identifying marks - apart from the title - on the entries. Entries are non-returnable. A full list of winners will be sent provided SAE is enclosed. on the link above and go to the contest official site