PUB: The Question of the Social Sciences: A Small Axe Essay Competition

The Question of the Social Sciences:

A Small Axe Essay Competition

By ARC Magazine Saturday, November 3rd, 2012


Small Axe is keen to encourage work in the critical and interpretive social sciences. They are interested in the ways in which such disciplines as anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology seek to grapple with the regional and diasporic Caribbean. This interest stems partly from the fact that the social sciences have been central, historically, to the construction of the ”Caribbean” as an object of scholarly inquiry, and central therefore to what we understand the problems are that require investigation and interpretation.


Small Axe essay call


But in the past several decades there has been a considerable disciplinary upheaval (engendered by the rise, for example, of poststructuralism, postcolonial studies, and cultural studies) such that the character of the social sciences has altered, and perhaps also social science modes of engaging and constructing the Caribbean.

This Small Axe essay competition seeks to encourage scholarship that engages the social sciences in a critical and historically informed way. We welcome manuscripts from across and between the disciplines that interrogate but also mobilize these disciplines. Small Axe is especially interested in the work of individuals at early stages in their scholarly careers.

Deadline for submissions is 15 November 2012. The selected essay will be published in Small Axe in 2013. All essays have to adhere to a length not more than 7,000 words. Submit essays and queries to: and for more information visit