Second Annual Rogue Bud Writing Competition
Second Annual Rogue Bud Writing Competition Sponsored by
Rose Audrey In Honor of Joel MuskaFirst Place Prize
I will Publish your Book!Let me take your words and transform them into a work of art. I can help you to produce a quality product and it will be yours to do with as you like. I will design a cover for your creation and I will format your words into a book. Then I will set you up with your own account with and you will have a world wide web storefront featuring your very own book!
*ISBN purchase winner’s responsibility as well as copyright.Do you have an unfulfilled vision of some day becoming a published author?
Do you have an outstanding work ethic? Do you have a great attitude?
Are you a team player? If so this contest is for you! I am now accepting submissions for novels to consider for publication. See contest guidelines.Contest Guidelines:
Please email me an 800 word or less essay on why I should select your novel or memoir to be considered for publication. Include a one page synopsis of your completed book with the entry essay. (One page synopsis will not be included in word count.) I will review the submissions and select up to ten people whom I will then request to see more of their work. I am a Christian and the work must reflect high moral values.
I will only consider completed manuscripts for my competition this year. I will also only consider polished work. Please send me your best, and I will give you my best!
Joel Muska was my co-worker and I wanted to do something to honor his persistence, reliability, great attitude and stellar work ethic.
If you feel that you have something substantial to offer please contact me!!!
Initial Submission Deadline:
September 15, 2011No late entries will qualify
Email Contest Entries to:
Subject line must say: Rogue Bud Competition