PUB: The Shroud Publishing 2011 Collegiate Fiction Award

The Shroud Publishing 2011 Collegiate Fiction Award


Submission Dates:  March 1st, 2011 through July 31st, 2011

Response Time:  1 to 3 months after the end of the submission period

Submission email:

Format and word count:  Electronic submissions only; .rtf or .doc file attachment; no more than 500 words.


1st place -- $100, publication in Shroud Magazine, two free contributor copies, and a hand-lettered “Hiram Award” presented at the Anthology 2011 Conference ( at the Wynwood Best Western in Portsmouth NH, November 11-13, 2011.

Honorable Mentions (4) -- Publication in Shroud Magazine, one contributor copy, and a hand-lettered “Hiram Award” presented at the Anthology 2011 Conference at the Wynwood Best Western in Portsmouth NH, November 11-13, 2011.

All awardees will receive a free weekend pass to the Anthology 2011 Conference, where they may participate in workshops and seminars focussed on the craft of genre writing.

Details:  Shroud Publishing, a Milton, NH-based publisher of Shroud Magazine, The Journal of Dark Fiction and Art, is accepting submissions of exceptional flash fiction from college students. Shroud endeavors to discover the bold new voices emerging from within the realm of dark speculative fiction. Stories may be on any topic, provided that they are speculative in nature, and would fit the thematic orientation of Shroud Magazine as stated in its submission guidelines at There is no fee to enter.

Stories will be judged by Shroud’s editorial team using the following general criteria:

Originality, uniqueness;
Exceptional use of craft techniques (dialogue, narrative tension, subtext, POV, etc.)
Basic compositional ability;
Adherence to Shroud’s submission guidelines at

Shroud will acknowledge receipt of submissions, but will be unable to personally respond to, or critique every submission.

Learn more about Shroud at; Twitter: Shroudmag