The Subversive Human, an Online Journal featuring monthly poetry contests, from emerging poets.
The Subversive Human
The Subversive Humans: We are poets, writers and dreamers. Agent Provocateurs. We seek to give voice to the silenced. The disabled. The abused and the misused. The woman behind the man. The poor and the down-trodden. The senior languishing forgotten. The child abandoned in a closet.The Mission? We invite you to become an agent provocateur thru poetry. Let your voices be heard. Become a subversive human.
The Raison D'etre
The Raison D'etreLike many of you, we have submitted to contests that charge $10, $15 etc to be entered in their contests. Like many of you writers and poets, money is tight and those fees are unaffordable. Being bright and creative folk, we four poets/writers, put our heads together and decided to run our own contests. Our monthly contest is a mere $1 per poem, to enter and a $25 prize will be awarded to the winning poet.
What do we like? We are interested in all poetic forms from sijo to saabi. From sonnets to odes.
Woo us with your outrage. Seduce us with your metaphors. Entice us with your imagery. However, save the trite and cute for greeting cards.
Monday, July 5, 2010
August Competition
The theme for August is "when walls fall". The deadline is August 15, 2010. The prize is $25.Are you a wall breaker? Do you respect boundaries or does a wall kindle the urge to tear it down? Give us outrage. Intrigue us.. Provoke SOMETHING.
Submission Guidelines:
1. Pay a fee of $1USD per poem to: Paypal - if you don't have an account, you will need to set one up.
The name of the journal's Paypal account is Submit poetry to WITH the Paypal receipt number and the word "Submission" in the subject line..
3. COPY and PASTE the poem(s) in the body of the email. PLEASE DO NOT SEND AS AN ATTACHMENT! Submit no more than (3) poems.
4. Include a bio (no more than 100 words), your name, address,phone# and email. An accompanying picture is allowed.
5. Previous and simultaneous submissions are allowed but please indicate if you own copyright and where the poem was previously published. If accepted for publication elsewhere, notify us as soon as possible.
6. Must be 18 and older.
7. Poems must be submitted in English.
We will notify the winner by August 28, 2010 who will be also AWARDED $25 USD. We will post the winning poem the following month on LiveJournal, Blogger, Face Book, Yahoo, Multiply and Word Press. Good luck!