PUB: The Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival - Announcing Our 2012 Fiction Contest

Announcing Our 2012 Fiction Contest

The Festival is pleased to announce our 2012 Fiction Contest. We will be accepting submissions by mail and online from June 1, 2011—November 15, 2011.

Have a question about one of our writing contests? Please send questions to:

Judge: Amy Hempel

Grand Prize:

  • $1,500
  • Domestic airfare (up to $500) and French Quarter accommodations to attend the 2012 Festival in New Orleans (March 21-25, 2012)
  • VIP All-Access Festival pass for 2012 ($500 value)
  • Public reading at a literary panel at the 2012 Festival (March 21-25, 2012)
  • Publication (details TBA)

Top Ten Finalists Prize

  • Top ten finalists will receive a panel pass($75 value) to the 2012 Festival.


  • A submission is one original short story, written in English, up to 7,000 words.
  • The author's name should not appear on the manuscript.
  • Please include a separate cover page with story title and word count as well as the author’s name, address, phone, and email.
  • Pages must be numbered and single-spaced.
  • Simultaneous submissions accepted; please notify the Festival if your story is accepted elsewhere.
  • Unlimited entries per person are allowed. You must complete a separate entry payment and submission form for each entry.
  • Stories can be any theme or genre.
  • Do not include professional resumes or biographies with your entry. Entries are judged anonymously; the judges only consider manuscript quality.


  • This contest is open only to writers who have not yet published a book of fiction. Published books include self-published books with ISBN numbers. Those who have published books in other genres besides fiction remain eligible.
  • Only previously unpublished stories will be accepted.
  • Stories that won this contest in previous years are ineligible; their authors remain eligible but must submit new work.
  • Stories submitted to this contest in previous years that did not place are eligible.
  • Stories that have won any other writing contest are ineligible.


  • The deadline for digital and mailed-in submissions is November 15, 2011 (postmark).
  • Winner will be announced by March 1, 2012.

Entry Fee:

To enter online: Electronic submissions are preferred and must be in .doc, .rtf or PDF formats. If you are using the latest version of Microsoft Word, please save your submission as .doc and not a .docx file before sending it to us. We accept entry fees via Discover, MasterCard and Visa only.

To enter by mail: Send your manuscript and check or money order for $25 (made out to the: Tennessee Williams Literary Festival) to: Fiction Contest Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival 938 Lafayette Street, Suite 514 New Orleans, LA 70113. Do not send submissions by certified mail or signature required delivery.


Fiction Contest Online Submission Step 1: Entry Fee

To begin the Fiction Contest submission process by paying your $25 entry fee, click the button below. Once you've paid your entry fee, you'll be taken to the Entry Submission form to provide additional information and upload your contest entry.

Read the contest eligibility rules and guidelines above BEFORE you begin the online submission process. Submission fees are non-refundable.