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Bernheimer, Pritts to Judge 2013 Contests

Kate Bernheimer & Nate Pritts


Kate Bernheimer has been called “one of the living masters of the fairy tale” by Tin House, and is the author of four books of fiction, most recently the final novel in a trilogy, The Complete Tales of Lucy Gold (FC2 2011), and Horse, Flower, Bird, a collection of stories with illustrations by Rikki Ducornet (Coffee House Press 2010).  She has edited three anthologies including the World Fantasy Award winning My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me: Forty New Fairy Tales (Penguin 2010).  She teaches in the MFA Program at the University of Arizona, and is founding and acting editor of Fairy Tale Review.


Nate Pritts is the author of five books of poetry, most recently Sweet Nothing which Publishers Weekly describes as “both baroque and irreverent, banal and romantic, his poems […] arrive at a place of vulnerability and sincerity.”  POETRY Magazine called his third book, The Wonderfull Yeare, “rich, vivid, intimate, & somewhat troubled” while The Rumpus called Big Bright Sun, his fourth book, “a textual record of mistakes made and insights gleaned…[in] a voice that knows its part in self-destruction.”  His poetry & prose have been widely published, both online & in print & on barns, at places like Southern Review, Forklift, Ohio, Court Green, Gulf Coast, Boston Review & Rain Taxi where he frequently contributes reviews. The founder & principal editor of H_NGM_N, an online journal & small press, he lives in Syracuse, New York.


The prize is $1,000 and publication.

The deadline is March 15, 2013 (postmarked).

Send contest submissions to:
The Tusculum Review
P.O. Box 5113
60 Shiloh Road
Greeneville, TN 37743.


The entry fee is $15 per manuscript. We accept checks and money orders made payable to The Tusculum Review.

Each manuscript entered should consist of no more than twenty-five pages of fiction or no more than five poems (we will allow up to 10 pages total of poetry).  You may enter more than one manuscript and/or more than one genre contest (as long as you include a $15 reading fee with each contest submission).

Please send a cover letter with your contest entry.  The cover letter should include the title(s) of your entry, genre of the work—fiction or poetry—your name, postal address, phone number, and e-mail address. Please do NOT include your name or any other identifying information on your actual submission.

Previously published stories and poems (including web publications) are not permitted for submission.

Entry fees include a one-year subscription to The Tusculum Review (an annual publication) and consideration for publication. We consider all works submitted for publication.

Manuscripts will not be returned; they will, instead, be recycled.

The judges for the 2013 prizes will be Kate Bernheimer for fiction and Nate Pritts for poetry. Family, friends, and previous students of the judges, or those with reciprocal professional relationships with the judges, will be disqualified from the contest. Submissions will be screened by the staff of The Tusculum Review, and finalists will be forwarded for judging.

Manuscripts will be numbered, and all names on the manuscripts will be removed before they are read and work is presented to the judges. In the event that judges do not deem any submissions worthy of the prize, The Tusculum Review reserves the right to extend the call for manuscripts or to cancel the award.

All contestants will receive the 2013 issue of The Tusculum Review and a letter listing the winner and finalists. The new issue will be mailed to all contest entrants before June 1, 2013. The winners and finalists will be listed on The Tusculum Review companion website.