Third Annual Short Fiction Contest
Contest Judge Dorothy Allison
We are pleased to announce the Saints and Sinners GLBT Literary Festival’s Third Annual Short Fiction Contest. SAS Fest is seeking original, unpublished short stories between 5,000 and 7,000 words with GLBT content on the broad theme of “Saints and Sinners.”
Judge: Dorothy Allison. The author of Bastard Out of Carolina and Cavedweller, Allison will select the winning stories.
Prize: One grand prize of $250 and two second place prizes of $50 will be awarded. In addition, the top stories will be published in an anthology from QueerMojo, an imprint of Rebel Satori Press. There will also be a book release party to promote the Saints and Sinners Literary Festival in New Orleans May, 2012.
Have a question about one of our writing contests? Please send questions to: contests@tennesseewilliams.net.Eligibility:
- The contest is open to authors at all stages of their careers and to stories in all genres.
- Only previously unpublished stories will be accepted.
- Stories that won this contest in previous years are ineligible; their authors remain eligible but must submit new work.
- Stories submitted to this contest in previous years that did not place are eligible.
- Stories that have won any other writing contest are ineligible.
- Submissions should be in standard manuscript format (double-spaced, one inch margins, 12 point font). Please include a word count on first page under the title.
- Your name and contact information should NOT appear on the manuscript.
- No bios or resumes. We only consider manuscript quality.
- Word Count: 5,000 to 7,000
- Submit only original, unpublished short stories.
- Theme (interpret as you wish): Saints and Sinners
Entry fee: $15 per story. There is no limit on the number of stories each author may enter.
Deadline: December 1, 2011 (postmark)
To enter by mail: download the entry form and send 2 copies of each story with a completed entry form and your $15 entry fee to
Saints and Sinners Short Fiction Contest
938 Lafayette Street, Suite 514
New Orleans, LA 70113To enter online: Click the button below to pay online and upload your script. One script per transaction please. To enter more than one script, please complete the online entry process for each entry.
Fiction Contest Online
Submission Step 1: Entry Fee
To begin the Fiction Contest submission process by paying your $15 entry fee, click the button below. Once you’ve paid your entry fee, you’ll be taken to the Entry Submission form to provide additional information and upload your contest entry.
Read the contest eligibility rules and guidelines above BEFORE you begin the online submission process. Submission fees are non-refundable.