Thornton Writer Residency Application
The 14-week residency at Lynchburg College is awarded annually to a fiction, poetry, or creative nonfiction writer for the spring term.
The writer-in-residence teaches a weekly creative writing workshop, visits classes, and gives a public reading.
The residency includes a stipend, housing, some meals, and roundtrip travel expenses.
To Apply
To apply, submit a copy of a previously published book, a curriculum vitae, a cover letter outlining evidence of successful teaching experience, workshop course proposal with sample syllabus, and contact information for 3 references, postmarked by October 15 to:
Lynchburg College, Thornton Writer Residency, c/o Julie Williams, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1501 Lakeside Drive, Lynchburg, VA 24501. 434.544.8820. Allison Wilkins, Contact.
Application Details:
- There is no entry fee
- We will be glad to return your book(s) to you if you include a SASE with sufficient postage. Otherwise the book will be donated to the Lynchburg College Library
- We do not accept applications by email
- We do not accept manuscripts; published books only, please
- You may apply in more than one field, but your course proposal and sample syllabus should showcase what you will be doing in the workshop course
Residency Expectations
The residency is for an entire semester. You are expected to arrive before the first day of class and stay until the final exam period. We typically select a fiction writer for the fall semester and either a poet or creative nonfiction writer for the spring semester.
Beginning in the 2013/2014 year, the residency is for the spring semester. You are expected to arrive before the first day of class in January and stay until the final exam period in either late April or early may (depending on the year's academic calendar).
Teaching the Course
The course meets one night a week. To ensure individualized instruction, the class size is limited to 16 students. The workshop contains a mixture of undergraduate and graduate students.
Students often take more than one Thornton writing course during their four years, and academic credit earned can count toward an English major or toward elective hours, depending on the student's needs.
Travel, Meals, and Housing
There is no cost for the residency. Your round-trip travel and housing will be provided (sorry, pets cannot be accommodated).
You will be provided with a meal pass for dining in the Burton Student Center. Additionally, the apartment has a full kitchen, and there is a grocery store within walking distance.