PUB: TRYangle Project Short Story Competition 2011 - Judge Kate Horsley

The TRYangle Project Short Story Competition 2011


Closing Date: 10-October-2011


For previously unpublished short stories in English Language on the theme of 'Domestic Violence & Abuse' up to 1.500 words long. Your stories must not have been posted to a publicly accessible website, or blog, and must not be under consideration for publication, or accepted for publication elsewhere. You may fictionally explore the theme in any way you wish including, but not limited to any of the suggestions below. Perhaps you have been affected by domestic violence or abuse as the victim, as a friend or relative of the victim, as a caregiver to a victim of domestic violence, as a friend or relative of the perpetrator, or simply as a social observer affected by media reports of domestic violence and abuse.


First Prize: £150.00

Second Prize: £75.00

Third Prize: £40.00

High Commendation Prizes: 2 x £10.00

First Publication: All prize winners will receive first publication in the Excel for Charity News Blog. (Please note: If your story wins or is commended and you would rather not have it published at this time in our News Blog, feel free to let us know.)


Entry Fees: £5 (1 story), £8 (2 stories), £11 (3 stories). A third of net entry fees goes to The TRYangle Project.


About The TRYangle Project

The TRYangle Project is a Greenwich-based charity, with an aim to increase the safety of families who experience domestic violence and abuse by providing programmes of group work and individual counselling for men and women in London and South-East England, and young people aged 13-18 years who are impacted by domestic violence.

Domestic abuse costs the tax payer £23,000,000,000 per year and two women die each week as a result of domestic violence.


The TRYangle Project Website:

Project Director: Lyla Abass,">


The Judge: Kate Horsley -


Competition Administration: Eastern Light EPM International - Organisers of Excel for Charity writing competitions series.


Enter Online or By Post


To Enter online

(1) Select the number of stories you wish to enter from the PayPal Drop-Down Menu below, click on pay now, and make the applicable payment securely. You will be given a Transaction ID or Receipt Number by PayPal. Make a note of this.

(2) Create a Cover Note titled THE TRYANGLE PROJECT SHORT STORY COMPETITION 2011 which should have the Title(s) of your Story(ies), your Name, Pen Name (if applicable), Mailing Address, E-mail Address and Telephone Number. YOUR NAME OR ANY OTHER IDENTIFYING MARKS MUST NOT APPEAR ON ANY OF THE STORY PAGES.

(3) Send your stories, and your Cover Note as Word, or rtf attachments to"> in the subject line, type TRYANGLE STORY 2011 followed by your TRANSACTION ID.




5 Stories £18.00 4 Stories £14.50 3 Stories £11.00 2 Stories £8.00 1 Story £5.00

Telephone Number (Optional)



To Enter by Post

Download and Print out the Entry Form


Make up a Cover Note with your name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, and the titles of your stories. YOUR NAME OR ANY OTHER IDENTIFYING MARKS MUST NOT APPEAR ON ANY OF THE STORY PAGES.

Send your stories with your Cover Note or Entry Form and cheque/Postal Order in GB£ only in favour of EASTERN LIGHT EPM INTERNATIONAL to:

Excel for Charity
Eastern Light EPM International
Unit 136
113 - 115 George Lane
E18 1AB
United Kingdom


Terms & Conditions

1. You may enter as many stories as you want.

2. The decision of the judge is final, and no communication will be entered into.

3. For transparency, Eastern Light EPM International makes it clear that the primary aims of this competition are to raise money for the charity and to honour the winning writers. The prize money is expected to be generated by the entry fees. In the event that there are too few entries to pay the prize money from the entry fees after a third has been earmarked for donation to the charity, we reserve the right to (a) elect to incur the expense of making up the prize money from our own funds, (b) reapportion the prize money in agreement with the winners. We have so far never done that. Or (c) refund all entry fees to the entrants by the methods they paid for their entries.

4. All entries must be received by midnight 10-October-2011

5. Stories will not be returned, please don't send your only copy.

6. Although the results of our competitions are usually published on our website, many entrants still write us expecting personal notifications of the results. If you would like to receive information on the results, judge's report, or news about our other competitions, please join our e-mail mailing list at we will never disclose your e-mail address to any person or organisation outside Excel for Charity without your prior written consent.