Twist in the Tale Fiction Competition
1st Prize: £150
2nd Prize: £100
3rd Prize: £75
4th Prize: Creative Inspirations e-CourseClosing date: April 29th 2010
Entry Fee: £3.00 or FREE to our Premier Members
Twist in the Tale stories are all about concealing the ending so that the reader is completely surprised by the outcome and sometimes, even with the whole story theme. Do you think you can craft a clever plot that can outwit the reader? Then why not enter our Twist in the Tale fiction competition?
Maximum word count is 1200 and stories must be typed in Times New Roman or Ariel font size 12 and 1.5 spacing.Stories must be original and previously unpublished and entry into the competition implies acceptance to publication should your submission take 1st Prize.Send your submission to or alternatively, post to this address