TWW (Talented Women Writers) Seeking...
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Friday, October 21 and Saturday October 22nd join us for a one-of-a-kind writing conference.
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Be inspired by Pearl Cleage, Our Keynote speaker 8 Workshops led by celebrated women authors including blogs, spiritual writings. Self-publishing workshop led by Ahmad Meradji of BookLogix Yoga and meditation session designed to fuel your creative energy
3 ways to Submit Your Work!
1) Submit your work to be published in the Getting in Touch with the Source anthology.
The themes of the conference are: Identity, Expression and Transformation. Deadline for Anthology submission is April 30, 2011
2) Have a one-on-one with a professional editor. Deadline for Editor Review submission is August 15th, 2011
3) A chance to perform your work for an audience. Deadline for Coffee House performance is August 30, 2011
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Friday night keynote - $30.00 2-Day event - $85.00 Saturday at the door - $100.00 Anthology submission - $20.00
Tickets available at: UUCA - 1911 Cliff Valley Way, Atlanta 30329 Charis Books & More: 1189 Euclid Avenue, NE, Atlanta 30307
Phoenix & Dragon Bookstore: 5531 Roswell Road, NE Atlanta, 30342 Visit for information and advance registration.
Financial assistance is available.Anthology
Submission Guidelines
Deadline for submission is April 30, 2011
We welcome original works if literary fiction, literary non-fiction, personal essay, poetry or prose. There is an additional $20.00 fee per anthology submission.
Getting in Touch with the Source anthology will be published by Booklogix and will be available at the Getting in Touch with the Source event. As a submitting and selected author, you will receive a complimentary copy. The selection process is at the discretion of the Getting in Touch with the Source editorial committee.
The Work:
•Your submission must be an original work of literary fiction, literary non- fiction, personal essay, poetry or prose
•The work must be related to one or all of the themes: Identity, Expression and or Transformation
•We welcome submissions from previously unpublished authors
•You may send only one submission of no more than 4,000 words. For poetry, no more than two pages total.
Editor Review
Deadline for Editor Review Submissions is August 15th, 2011
We welcome submissions from all authors currently working on a project which you feel is ready for an objective assessment.
The Work:
•Your submission must be an original work of literary fiction, literary, non- fiction poetry or prose
•You may send only one submission, totaling no more than 5000 words. For poetry, no more than 4 pages total
•Include a cover sheet with your name, address, email address, phone number, and one paragraph bio
•Once your piece has been received for Editor Review, you will be contacted about the time and location of your editor review meeting. The meetings are 15 minute sessions with an editor who has already reviewed your submitted work.
Coffee House Reading Saturday Evening, October 22
Deadline for Editor Review Submissions is August 30th, 2011
We welcome submissions from all authors with work that is suitable for performance.
The Work:
•Your submission must be an original work of literary fiction, literary, non- fiction poetry or prose
•You may send only one submission, totaling no more than 2000 words. For poetry, no more than 2 pages total
•Include a cover sheet with your name, address, email address, phone number, and one paragraph bio including any prior performance experience
•Coffee House Readers will have 5 minutes to perform
Tickets available at: UUCA - 1911 Cliff Valley Way, Atlanta 30329 Charis Books & More: 1189 Euclid Avenue, NE, Atlanta 30307
Phoenix & Dragon Bookstore: 5531 Roswell Road, NE Atlanta, 30342
Submissions should be emailed as attachments to
Visit for information and advance registration.