PUB: Vallum Magazine

Vallum Award for Poetry 2011

DEADLINE June 30, 2011 (postmark)

Some of the best poets in the world have graced the pages of
Vallum: new international poetics. Time to join the ranks!

Vallum is accepting original and previously unpublished poetry submissions for the Vallum Award for Poetry 2011.


$20 CDN for Canadian residents, $20 USD for international entrants, which includes a free one-year subscription to Vallum. Payment can be made by cheque or through our online store hosted by Paypal. 


  1. Submit up to 1-3 poems of no more than 25 lines each. Do not label your poems with your name or address; instead include a cover letter with all pertinent information.
  2. All submissions must arrive through regular mail. (No electronic submissions).
  3. Poems may be on any theme or subject, but must be original and not previously published.
  4. 1st prize is $500, 2nd $250. Honourable Mentions may be selected and published but are not eligible for cash prizes. 


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