Announcing the 2012 winner of our Vassar Miller Prize in Poetry,
Matt Miller
Club Icarus
was chosen by Major Jackson
and will be published in April 2013
University of North Texas Press is also pleased to announce the publication of the 2011 winner:
Gibson Fay-LeBlanc
Death of a Ventriloquist
chosen by Lisa Russ Spaar and published in April 2012
The Vassar Miller Prize in Poetry 2013
The winner of this annual award receives $1000 and publication by the University of North Texas Press.
This year’s judge will be Chad Davidson. To avoid conflicts of interest, current or former students of the judge should not enter.
Postmark deadline: November 15, 2012
Submit 50- to 80-page, typed manuscript, including an additional title page that does not bear the name of the poet. All pages indicating the poet's identity will be removed from the manuscript prior to its being forwarded to the final judge.
Manuscripts cannot be returned and must be accompanied by $25 entry fee (payable to UNT Press) and a letter-sized SASE for notification.
Previously published portions of the manuscript should be identified on a separate acknowledgment page. Once a winner is declared and contracted for publication, UNT Press will hold the rights to the poems in the winning collection. They may no longer be under consideration for serial publication elsewhere and must be withdrawn by the author from consideration.
Winning manuscript will be announced by March 15, 2013.
Send manuscripts to:
John Poch
Vassar Miller Prize
Department of English
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409-3091