PUB: Walkopedia - the world's best walks


Walkopedia has announced new competitions for:

The best travel writing about a walk or hike.

Winner: a Daunt Books* book token worth £500
Runner-up: £200
Junior Prize: best under 18 entry: £200 (if not otherwise a prizewinner)
Best entry from a First Story** student: £200
(Runner-up): £100

*Probably the world’s best travel bookshop:

**The excellent First Story charity was set up to nurture and inspire creativity, literacy and talent in British schools. See

The best photographs taken on a walk or hike.

Winner: £500
Runner-up: £200
Junior Prize: best under 18 entry: £200 (if not otherwise a prizewinner)

We expect to announce the winners in March 2012. We will publish the winning pieces and photographs on the Walkopedia website.

Walkopedia is not about peak-bagging or self-flagellation. We will judge your writing or your photographs based on how vividly and passionately they convey your experiences on your walk or hike. Whether you are writing about or photographing your wander through a city, a trek up in the mountains or even a quick walk to the shops, we like to see conciseness and humour in writing, and a lively and evocative eye for what's going on around you in all entries.

The judges for the travel writing competition are

William Mackesy, travel writer and founder of Walkopedia.
William Fiennes, best-selling author of Snow Geese and co-founder of First Story.
Serena Mackesy, best-selling author, travel writer and journalist.

The photography competition will be judged by Walkopedia staff.

Further judges may be appointed. The judges’ decisions will be final.

Entries and detailed terms of the competitions:

  • As long as your writing or photograph relates to a walk or hike you have made, you can describe or capture any event or scene you like.
  • Your entry must not have been published anywhere else, either in print or online.
  • Entries must be received by no later than 31 December 2011.
  • In the case of writing, entries must be less than 1,200 words.
  • Entries must be submitted in digital form.

See the entry form, below, and the detailed rules, procedures, terms and requirements for the competitions [anchor down].

Submitting entries

To enter the competitions, you need to:

  • register with the Walkopedia website as a new visitor (unless you are already registered as a member) (it is easy) - Click here
  • send an email including a completed entry form (see the form immediately below: you can copy and paste the form into your email) to:

More than one entry is permitted per person, but no person will be allowed to win more than one prize.

First Story students should submit their entries through First Story.

Entry Form for Walkopedia Travel Writing and Photography Competitions

(Copy and paste into an email and send your completed form to one of the addresses above)


Email address:

Tel no:

Country of Residence:

Date of birth (if under 18 at the time of submission of entry):

Is your entry written or a photograph?

Title of piece/picture:

Short explanation of where the walk was:

Any other information on the piece/picture?

Are you a First Story student?

I confirm I have read and agree to, and will abide by and comply with, all the terms of the competition(s).



These terms incorporate the statements made in the announcement of the competitions. In the event of inconsistency with the announcement, these terms prevail.

Entry deadline
Entries must be received by no later than 31 December 2011. Entries received after that date will not be considered.

Entries must relate to a particular walk or hike done by you, but are otherwise unlimited as to their scope and subject matter.


For writing:

A *Daunt Books book token worth £500 for the winner.

£200 for a runner-up.

£200 for the best entry by a person who is under 18 as of the date of submission of the entry, provided that the relevant person is not otherwise a prizewinner.

£200 for the best entry by a **First Story student as of the date of submission of the entry, and £100 for a runner up.

*Probably the world's best travel bookshop:
**The excellent First Story charity was set up to nurture and inspire creativity, literacy and talent in British schools. See

For photography:

£400 for the winner.

£200 for a runner-up.

£200 for the best entry by a person who is under 18 as of the date of submission of the entry, provided that the relevant person is not otherwise a prizewinner.

Some or all of the prizes will not be awarded if (in the Panel’s view) entries of sufficient quality are not received.

Walkopedia reserves the right to add further prizes, and to substitute non-cash prizes of a greater value than initially stated cash prizes, and vice versa . All cash prizes will be paid by cheque in pounds sterling, unless otherwise agreed with a prizewinner.


Entry length
Written entries must be less than 1,200 words.

For the travel writing competition, Walkopedia will assess works and create a shortlist. The shortlisted works will be judged by the panel.
The photography competition will be judged by Walkopedia staff.

Further judges may be appointed. The judges’’s decisions will be final in all respects.

Announcing/informing winners
The winners are expected to be announced in March 2012.

The winners will be notified by email and will be asked to give details of where to send their prize. If a winner does not respond to Walkopedia within 14 days of being notified byWalkopedia, then the winner's prize will be forfeited and Walkopedia shall be entitled to select another winner (and that winner will have to respond to the email from Walkopedia within 14 days or else they will also forfeit their prize). If a winner rejects their prize, then the winner's prize will be forfeited and Walkopedia shall be entitled to select another winner.

We will publish the winning pieces and photographs, and all other pieces and photographs that we consider to be suitable, on the Walkopedia website.

Entry terms

By submitting an entry, you:

  • accept and agree to abide by and comply with the terms of the competitions;
  • confirm that the information about you in your entry form is true and that your entry is your own original work (which has not been copied), and does not contain any third-party materials and/or content that you do not have permission to use, and has not been published elsewhere (whether in print or online)*, and that providing those materials to us and publication of those materials by us does not infringe the rights of any person or any legal obligation; that those materials are not obscene, defamatory or otherwise in breach of any applicable laws or requirements;
  • *Excluding, for First Story students, publication made or arranged by First Story or by their schools, and other publication acceptable to the judges.
  • give us irrevocable permission and a non-exclusive, royalty-free worldwide licence to use and publish those materials on Walkopedia, and otherwise (in electronic and/or hard copy formats) in connection with Walkopedia’s operations and projects, as we see fit, and the right to use your name and town or city and country of residence for the sole purpose of identifying you as the author of your entry and/or as a winner or runner-up of a competition.

For these purposes, “us” and “Walkopedia” mean Walkopedia Ltd and such person(s) as may be its successor(s) as owner and/or operator of the Walkopedia website and operations from time to time (or any of them).

Entries that do not comply with the terms of the competitions are liable to be rejected.

Entry form
Please use the specified entry form. You can copy and paste it to your computer, complete it and submit it with your entry.

Submitting entries/contacting us

To enter the competitions, you need to:

  • register with the Walkopedia website as a new visitor (unless you are already registered as a member) (it is easy) - Click here
  • send an email including a completed entry form (see the form above you can copy and paste the form into your email) to:

You are responsible for the cost (if any) of sending your competition entry to us.

More than one entry is permitted per person, but no person will be allowed to win more than one prize.

Walkopedia staff and their relatives and associates may not enter the competitions.

We regret that Walkopedia will not be able to correspond about individual entries.

First Story students should submit their entries through First Story.

If you have any questions on the competitions, please e-mail us at

Walkopedia has full discretion as to the interpretation of these terms, which shall be governed by English law, and their supplementation where it deems appropriate, and any relevant decision by it in this regard shall be final.

In the event of an excessive number of entries, we may have to adopt alternative arrangements and procedures, but will still issue the prizes we have announced.

Entries on behalf of another person (other than a parent transmitting his/her child’s entry) will not be accepted and joint submissions are not allowed.

We take no responsibility for entries that are lost, delayed, misdirected or incomplete or cannot be delivered or entered for any technical or other reason. Proof of delivery of the entry is not proof of receipt.

The Promoter of the competitions is Walkopedia Ltd whose address is Icomb Edge, Bledington, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire OX7 6XL. Any complaints regarding the competitions should be sent to this address.

Nothing in these terms and rules shall exclude the liability of Walkopedia for death, personal injury, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation as a result of its negligence.

Walkopedia accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss, liabilities, injury or disappointment incurred or suffered by you as a result of entering the competitions or accepting any prize, Walkopedia further disclaims liability for any injury or damage to you or any other person's computer relating to or resulting from participation in or downloading any materials in connection with the competitions.

Walkopedia reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, these competitions with or without prior notice due to reasons outside its control (including, without limitation, in the case of anticipated, suspected or actual fraud). The decision of Walkopedia in all matters under its control is final and binding.

Walkopedia shall not be liable for any failure to comply with its obligations where the failure is caused by something outside its reasonable control. Such circumstances shall include, but not be limited to, weather conditions, fire, flood, hurricane, strike, industrial dispute, war, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, inevitable accidents, supervening legislation or any other circumstances amounting to force majeure.