PUB: Walt Whitman Award Guidelines & Entry Form-

Walt Whitman Award Guidelines

& Entry Form

NOTE: Contestants may submit online or by mail. Entries will be accepted only if postmarked or submitted electronically between September 15 and November 15, 2011. All manuscripts must be accompanied by a $25 entry fee. The judge for the 2012 will be Jane Hirshfield.


General Guidelines
  • The Walt Whitman Award is given to honor a poet's first book. Contestants must be living citizens of the United States who have neither published, nor committed to publish, a volume of poetry 40 pages or more in length and in an edition of 500 or more copies, either in the U.S. or abroad. Books on a smaller scale, such as chapbooks and limited editions, will not disqualify a poet.
  • Manuscripts must be of original poetry, in English, by one poet. There are no restrictions on the style of poetry or subject matter. Translations are not eligible.
  • Contestants should send only one copy of each manuscript. Manuscripts must be between 50 and 100 pages, typed single-spaced. Multiple poems may not appear on a single page. The manuscript itself should not contain any information that would reveal the identity of its author. Illustrations are not accepted. Contestants who have published poems in magazines may include those in the manuscript submitted, along with acknowledgment notes. See Submission Guidelines
  • Contestants may submit manuscripts elsewhere simultaneously, but must notify the Academy immediately if a manuscript becomes committed to another press. A manuscript committed to another press is not eligible for the Walt Whitman Award.
  • Notification of contest results will be made by email. The Academy expects the judge's decision by May 2012. Louisiana State University Press will publish the winning manuscript in a paperback edition within one year of the judge's decision.
  • The winner will receive $5,000 and a one-month residency at the Vermont Studio Center.
  • The Academy of American Poets will purchase from the publisher copies of the winning book for distribution to its members. No royalties will be paid to the author on the copies distributed by the Academy. The standard contract of the publisher will govern production, distribution, and royalties for all other copies.
  • The Academy of American Poets cannot consider manuscript revisions during the course of the contest. The winning poet will have an opportunity to revise before publication.
  • All correspondence concerning the contest should be addressed to the Academy. Any correspondence addressed to the judge will be forwarded to the Academy unread.
  • Poets are not eligible to apply if they are close friends or colleagues, were mentored by the judge, or have studied with the judge in full-time accredited courses within the last 5 years.
  • The decisions of The Academy of American Poets as to eligibility are final. The Academy reserves the right to withhold the Walt Whitman Award in any given year.
Guidelines for Submitting Electronically
  • Contestants who have published poems in magazines may include acknowledgment notes in the "Comments" field of the submission form. Do not include an acknowledgements page in your manuscript file.
  • Each submission requires the payment of an entry fee of $25.00 (requiring a PayPal login). To pay by check or money order, please submit by mail.
  • The Academy assumes no responsibility for manuscripts not received due to electronic error. Contest applicants can verify the status of their submission at any time by logging back in to the submission manager.
Guidelines for Submitting by Mail
  • Two title pages must be submitted with each manuscript. One title page should include the author's name and address; the other should bear the manuscript title alone. The author's name must not appear on any other page of the manuscript. Each manuscript should be fastened with a binder clip. Staples, report covers, and other bindings should not be used.
  • Contestants who have published poems in magazines may include a separate acknowledgements page in the submitted manuscript.
  • Each manuscript must be accompanied by a completed entry form and a submission fee of $25.00. Please make check or money order payable to "The Academy of American Poets (WW)." Do not send cash. Contestants who submit more than one manuscript must include an entry form and submission fee with each.
  • Neither late nor early manuscripts will be accepted. Contestants are strongly advised to retain copies of their work as manuscripts will not be returned. The Academy assumes no responsibility for the loss of manuscripts.
  • Contestants who wish the Academy to acknowledge receipt of their manuscripts should enclose a self-addressed, stamped postcard.
Walt Whitman Award Entry Form (for Mailed Submissions)  

The undersigned hereby submits and enters the attached manuscript of original poetry in the contest for the Walt Whitman Award, acknowledges reading the guidelines, and agrees to abide by them.

Please type all information or print legibly

PROPOSED BOOK TITLE_______________________________________

AUTHOR'S LEGAL NAME________________________________________



CITY________________________STATE__________ ZIP____________


E-MAIL ADDRESS_____________________________________________

AUTHOR'S SIGNATURE__________________________________________

Submission Checklist


O Manuscript: one copy with two title pages (see guidelines).
O Entry form: completed and signed.
O $25.00 fee: check payable to "The Academy of American Poets (WW)."
O Postmark entry between September 15 and November 15, 2011.


O Self-addressed, stamped postcard if you wish the Academy to acknowlege receipt of your entry.

All entrants will be notified of the results by email.

Manuscripts submitted without entry form or entry fee will not be considered, nor will they be returned.

Mailing Instructions

Please send all entry components at once, in the same envelope.

Mail complete entry to:

The Walt Whitman Award
The Academy of American Poets
75 Maiden Lane, Suite 901
New York, NY 10038

For more information, please contact:
Alex Dimitrov
Awards Associate
TEL (212) 274-0343 ext. 15