PUB: WE Writers Annual Contest

Annual Writing Contest

It's Time to Enter the West End Writers Workshop 2010 Writing Contest

This year, WEWW offers three prizes in each of two categories
Prose and Poetry.

That means more chances to win 

$100 First Prize, $75 Second Prize and $50 Third Prize.

Not only that, entries may be submitted online! 
Now, there’s no excuse not to enter!

Entry Submission Start - April 1, 2010
Submission Deadline - May 15
Finalists Announcement - late May
Awards Ceremony at Barclay Manor - Tuesday, June 15, 7 pm

All entries must be in the English language. Prose word count is limited to 1000 words. Poetry is limited to two poems, one-page each. Fees are $10 Canadian per prose entry or $10 CND for up to two poems. There is no official theme.

Submitting via regular mail:

E ntries must be printed one side of plain white paper, text must be 12 point Courier, double spaced, with min .75 inch margins. Poetry can be single spaced. Do not put your name on the entry itself, only a title. Create an entry form on a separate sheet with your title, category, name, address, email, fees, payment method, and date of submission.
For an example, see Perfectly Formatted Pages.

Mail and Payment
West End Writers Contest, c/o. #301, 1535 Nelson Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6G 1M2.Cheques or money orders for the fee(s) should be made payable to West End Writers. Please do not send cash.

Submitting online:

Text must be 12 point Courier, double spaced, with min .75 inch margins saved as a .pdf, .doc or .txt file. Poetry can be single spaced. Do not put your name on the entry itself, only the title. Create an entry form on a separate sheet with your title, category, name, address, email, fees, payment method, and date of submission.
For an example, see Perfectly Formatted Pages.

Click here to download Adobe Reader.

Email entry form and entry as attachements to: westendwriters

Log onto Pay Pal, use the westendwriters @ email address, and put "2010WEContest" in the Description.Your payment must arrive within 24 hours of your submission. Be aware of any delays by PayPal if your account is not connected to a credit card.

Direct any questions to westendwriters.

Please print and circulate our contest poster to other interested in writers.

Thanks and good luck!